Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fab Follower Freebie!

WOW! Thank you to all of my fabulous followers!!! It really is amazing! While I do not anxiously check my number of followers every hour like I did when this blog was just a baby {come on...you know you did it too!!!!}, I DO get excited each and every time there is a new follower! :) Thank you so much for all of your positive and sweet comments! Blog land has made this my most creative and FUN year of teaching yet! :)

Here is a freebie to celebrate YOU and your awesomeness! :)

We are studying Fairy Tales this week, so I created a Spin and Graph {Fairy Tale edition} to use as a math menu choice. I did the first Spin and Graph {Apple Edition} a few weeks ago and it was JUST RIGHT for my kiddos!

You can head over to my TpT store to grab it for FREE!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Enjoy the rest of your week!


1 Holly said...

So cute - thanks! Okay, so I'll admit it - I'm new to all of this and I check my blog for comments/new followers multiple times a day...

How do I drum up some more business? ;)


2 Mrs. Roberts said...

I am your newest follower and I love, love, love your blog. Come on over to my blog and see if there is anything you can find to use.


Sorry, I haven't figured out how to hyperlink my blog yet.

3 Mrs. Teachnology said...

I have bestowed upon you the "I Heart You Blog Award"! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas. Hop on over to Mrs. Teachnology to grab your award!

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