Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once Upon a Time {Hard and soft /c/ and /g/} Word Work

Happy Hump Day! Why do the four day weeks always seem longer??? I guess because I am trying to stuff five days of fun into four! My student teacher is slowly taking over one subject at a time and I love that I can spend more time working with kiddos and getting organized making LOTS of to do lists!!!

Here is what we’re up to this week:

Math: Money

If you haven’t checked out Cara’s The Great Coin Collection, go NOW! It is FABULOUS! It is chock full of goodness, including number work activities and games!

Writing: Stories {Beginning, Middle, and End}

We have been learning all about Sticker Stories! The kiddos are OBSESSED! This will remain a choice in Work on Writing for the rest of the year! Click {HERE} for the freebie Sticker Story printable!

sticker story

Reading Comprehension: Asking Questions {Who, Where, What, Why, How}

We are doing an Audrey Penn author study this week! I HEART CHESTER!

Phonics: Hard and soft /c/ and /g/

This MIGHT be the hardest spelling pattern we have worked on all year! I feel like we might need to revisit this again before the end of the year! I created a unit that includes a Word Sort with a printable, a game, and a mystery word making words activity. Click {HERE} to check out Once Upon a Time {Hard and soft /c/ and /g/} Word Work on TpT.


I will email the Once Upon a Time {Hard and soft /c/ and /g/} Word Work to the first five peeps to comment – please leave your email address! Congratulations to Cheryl, Christine, Cassandra, Jennifer, Gina, and Kasey! :)

Have a great rest of the week!


1 Unknown said...

Would love this! :)
Crayons and Curls

2 christine said...

Super! I'm just starting fairy tales!

3 cassandra said...

I would love it!!


4 Jennifer said...

Looks great!!!

The First Grade Dream

5 Gina said...

I would love your once upon a time word work! :)

6 kasey said...

Would love this!! Thanks!!

7 Kelli :) said...

Congrats to Cheryl, Christine, Cassandra, Jennifer, Gina, and Kasey! :) I will email you the word work unit!

Good night, friends!

8 Unknown said...

Thank you Kelli! And thank you for the Sticker Story! :) You are so sweet! :)
Crayons and Curls

9 Jennifer said...

Thank you Kelli! Your sticker story is fantastic!! Thanks for sharing it!!

The First Grade Dream

10 Unknown said...

I'm loving it!
First Grade Blue Skies

11 Lauren Morse said...

We loved coming to visit today. Thanks for allowing us to bombard your room!

12 Jen R said...

gosh darn it! I always miss these things! lol...looks great!
The Teachers’ Cauldron

13 Kristin said...

Looks super cute!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

14 Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

Sooo cute! I love anything with a fairy tale theme and I know my kiddos will love this too! Thanks and have an awesome day!

Lisa :)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade

15 Lyndsey (A Year of Many Firsts) said...

Looks adorable!

A Year of Many Firsts

Anonymous said...

Love your sticker story paper! I have been using our regular writing paper & I think it is time for a change! Just started following you & I am excited about your future posts!! Thanks for sharing you classroom!!

17 teech92 said...

Hurrah! I just found this blog. I love all the great ideas. Can't wait to use the sticker story template with my first graders. Wish I could have been able to get the Once Upon A Time freebie but just happy to see all the awesome goodies and ideas!

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