Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Days of Giveaways WINNERS

Thank you so much for joining in the fun! 
Wishing you and your families the happiest of holidays!!!

Day 1 ~ Suzanne Sweeney

Day 2 ~ Mrs. Wheeler and Cynthia

Day 3 ~ Brianne, Bianca, and Colleen

Day 4 ~ Allison, Kristin, Room 11, and Kinderkids

Day 5 ~ Katie, Kelly Brown, Amanda, Liz, and Lola

Day 6 ~ Rachel (2), Andrea (4), Techeagle (9), Jessica Peterson (22), Donna (29), Teresa (32), and Delighted (37)

Day 7 ~ Jennifer Larkin (7), Julie Marciniak (8), Karen Rowland (24), kld813 (26), Fawn Chan (30), Katie Mg (76), Rie (82)

Day 8 ~ Bren P (6), Megan (10), Miss Scullion (12), Grace (18), Julene Hoffman (23), Teaching Joys (58), Terri Eubank (59), Tracy Pharris (65)

Day 9 ~ Kinderdiva (1), Ruthp (3), Lovely Nina (11), Lori (29), Barefoot in First Grade (30), Heather (37), Krazy for K (38), Kari (54), Veronica Porche (62)

Day 10 ~ Rachel Lindle (6), Peace, Love, and Teaching (9), Karyn (22), Mel D (23), Susan (27), Allison (29), Ash (44), Jennifer Steinacher (56), Lori Archer (58), Rookie (61) 

Day 11 ~ Pam (1), Karen (3), Cherie (5), Stephanie Michel (8), Tania (11), Allison (18), Lori (23), Ms. Webber (25), Izzysmim (44), Susan (52), Mrs. Schultz (64)

Day 12 ~ First Grade Carouse (2), Mrs. Macks Class (4), Special Teacher for Special Kids (8), Stacey White (10), Krysti (13), t mulch (16), Katy (18), Hollie (23), Nissadawn (26), D Putnam (43), Teacher Kirra (44), and Just a Primary Girl with Mrs. H (47)

* WINNERS ~ Email me at and tell me which unit you would like!!! 


1 mrsmacksclass said...

I follow your blog by email.
pat Mack

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