Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tech,Tech Baby!

Happy Tuesday! RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY!!!
I seriously think this might be a record breaking year of the number of indoor recess days here in the Southeast!
Speaking of indoor recess - have you checked out Adventure to Fitness? My sweet teacher friend introduced this website to me on the 99th day of indoor recess this year. 
Super fun and the kids totally rock it! 

It is free but I did notice that it uploaded faster when you were logged in to an account! 

Our district has a Technology Conference next Monday.  I have heard from a bird that the theme is Tech, Tech, Baby!! HA!!!! Yes, please! I know every single word by heart to the orig! 
I am presenting. EEKK! No matter how many times I get up to speak in front of adults, I break into a sweat. Turn magenta. Develop a stutter. It really is ridiculous! If anyone in the room is over the age of 7, I start to get clammy! Anyone else on this struggle bus with me?

I am presenting about taking Brain Pop to the next level in your classroom. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT BRAIN POP, JR! I can't get enough of Annie and Moby and neither can my kiddos. I honestly think Annie can teach some concepts better than me...like inferring for example. She rocked it! 
Brain Pop and Brain Pop, Jr is pricey but worth. every. penny. Write a Donors Choose for this people! I use it all. the. time.
If you have clickers {We have ActiVotes} you can run the online quizzes with them! AWESOME! We did the lesson on comparing numbers this morning and then used the ActiVotes during the quiz. It was quick {less than 5 minutes} and I was able to export the results to Excel. Much better than a paper and pencil mid unit assessment! 

Brain Pop also has a great section just for educators! If you click on Brain Pop Educators, then Graphic Organizers, they have a ton of great organizers ready to print!

Be sure to check out Katie King {Queen of the First Grade Jungle} and her Techy Tuesday linky party!



1 Mary said...

We have had indoor recess for a few days now too! We did Chinese Challenge on adventure to fitness today... and it is always a hit!

I love ABCya.com as well.

Sharing Kindergarten

2 Unknown said...

I use BrainPopJr & BrainPop all the time - I love their science videos & the interactive whiteboard games!! I never saw the "graphic organizers" link - thanks so much for pointing it out!! I love your blog!
Science for Kids Blog

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