Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday

Hey y'all! TGIF!!!
I am linking up with Kacey for Five for Friday!

IS ON! We only have 9 days left with the kiddos! I always get a little emo this time of year. While I do look forward to more leisurely mornings and trips to the beach, I know I will miss my kiddos so much! We spend so much time with them and then we only see them in the hallways next year! :(

2. SPAM!
What is the deal with all the spam comments on Blogger lately????? Anyone else having this issue?? I am getting like 5 spam comments every day - it creeps me out! I hate to have to put the verification code for comments - any other solutions?

My little heat press shirts are on sale tonight! They are $18.00, but tonight are $2.00 off! Head over to my Facebook page to check it out! I will keep the sale going through Saturday for Castles and Crayons readers - just mention it in your order! :)


I am loving my new iPhone case! I had a precious monogram case that latest for about a year - but it was hard plastic and had cracked after one too many tumbles! I found this on Etsy and ordered on a Monday and it arrived the following Monday! LOVE! They are in Mobile, Alabama {my sweet home Alabama} and I highly recommend them...very affordable and fast service and shipping! :)


I am so excited to start my new Summer Linky Series {Schedule Spotlight} in just a few short weeks! I am going to break apart our school day into 11 chunks and blog about it for 11 weeks in the summer! First week will be May 27 - stay tuned for more info!

Have an awesome weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all of you amazing mommies! :)


1 Amanda said...

I put the verification code for comments and I *still* get spam comments! Not as many, but still! Boo!

First Grade Garden

2 Karyn said...

Hi Kelli! I put the "registered users only" may comment thing on my blog and I don't get spam comments. It's worth a try! :-)


3 Kelli :) said...

Thank you, Karyn!!! Just made the change - fingers crossed! :) Thanks for the tip!

4 Julie DiBenedetto said...

Hi Kelli!
I love your phone case! Adorable!
And I am very excited to follow your Spotlight series very soon! Looking forward to it!
Have a fabulous weekend,

5 Tania said...

The spam thing is driving crazy too. I hope it gets better in the next following weeks.
Can't wait for the spotlight series :)
My Second Sense

6 A. Reed said...

I love the linky party idea and can't wait to try it out. I tried to leave the verification code off one time, too, and kept getting spam. So I put it back up. I wonder if it keeps me from getting as many comments. I wasn't sure how others handle it!
Just Reed!

7 Miss DeCarbo said...

Can't wait for your series!! Those shirts are too cute! :)
Sugar and Spice

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