Thursday, September 12, 2013

Math Work Stations - the First Month!

Hey friends!
This is my second year doing Math Work Stations and I love them just as much as I did last year!
This year, I have 15 kiddos in my class and I have 6 groups of 2 and one group of 3. I have 7 work stations this year.
The first week of school, to launch math work stations we made an anchor chart on the Promethean board of what math work stations should look like and sound like. I had students model the right way and the wrong way  {CRINGE!} to do math work stations.

Sorry for the AWFUL pic - I just thought that I could have taken a screen shot of the actual flipchart from my computer at school - DUH! Next time, friends! :)

I started with all 7 tubs having the same activity: Number War. Simply use decks of cards with the face cards taken out.
 I modeled this game the first week of school and we started this game in the math work stations the second week of school.
We only did math work stations for about 5 minutes…we are building our stamina just like with Daily Five! After the five minutes were up, we practiced cleaning up during our clean up song {Tidy Up by Dr. Jean} and putting our math work stations away in the right order.
By the way, does anyone have an awesome clean up song?? I am looking for a new one after using Dr. J for about 7 years now!!! 

The second day we did math work stations for about 7 minutes and by the end of the second week we were up to about 10 minutes. 

The third week of school we began our unit on geometry and I added two more activities to math work stations.
I added pattern block and pattern block designs to 4 tubs.
I also added the Shake a Shape {or connect four} game to 3 tubs.
Now, there are at least two activities in each tub. Either pattern block cards OR Shake a Shape game AND all the tubs still have Number War in them.

This week will be the fourth week of school.
 I will add the iPad and the iPad mini to two of the stations... 7 stations total {5 games/activities and 2 technology}.
First semester we focus mostly on addition and subtraction, so all of the math work stations will have addition and subtraction activities.
Second semester, we move on to place value, data, numbers to 100, fractions, and more. Two of the tubs will remain addition and subtraction activities so that the children can maintain their fluency with addition and subtraction facts throughout the year!

Hope your math work stations are going marvelously! :) 


1 Jennifer said...

This was week one of our math stations. Monday took us over an hour, but today we were rocking and rolling!

Rowdy in First Grade

2 Caryn Lane said...

Laurie Berkner has a Clean Up Song that I it!

3 Caryn Lane said...

Laurie Berkner has a Clean Up Song that I it!

4 Unknown said...

I need help!!!! I have basically an hour to do whole group and small group math. I can't get to math centers. How long do you teach whole group?

5 Kelli :) said...

Caryn Lane - Awesome!! Thank you so much! :)

Melissa Redmon- I also have one hour for math. We do calendar and number talk for about 20 minutes, I teach a mini lesson for 10-12 minutes, we have 5 minutes of guided practice with content from the lesson and then 20 minutes for math work stations. Hope this helps!! :)

6 melissa said...

There is a great cleanup song on youtube called the cleanup robot. My kids love it!

7 Mrs. K. Gilchrist said...

Hi Kelli,
I just found your blog and love all of your resources. Do you ever use your Promethean board as a station? I teach third grade, but have taught 2nd in the past, and I always use my Promethean board as a station/center in math and reading. My students love it, and when they are taught how the center/station should look, they do great! I have done this for about the past six years or so. Also has tons of Promethean ActivInspire lessons, backgrounds, resource packs, and clip art for your board. Just thought I would share. Glad I found you. I am going to follow! Have a great rest of the school year!

Anonymous said...

Thees are the main concerns which will bring around positive instances while if we go to decide anything on such like grounds as to making perfect equations. doing your homework

9 Hallebose said...

Students always need a fee tricks to go marvelously.

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