Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Place Value {Quick Tip}

Hey, long lost blog friends! Hope everyone has had a fabulous spring break and a blessed Easter! 
We are in the home stretch now!!!! 

Here is a quick change that I implemented this year and it has made a WORLD of difference with my firsties understanding of place value! I saw this tip on Pinterest many moons ago, but when I went back to try to find the source, I didn't have it pinned and a quick search left me empty handed. If you know who to credit, let me know!

Instead of using straws to count the number of days in school, use place value tens towers and ones cubes! Is that not GENIUS?!

Even though we don't formally explore place value until late winter/early spring in first grade, the kiddos see ten ones cubes being traded for a ten tower on the 10th day of school! By the time we started studying place value, they had seen this trade about 10 times! I swear, y'all, it has made the BIGGEST difference in my firsties understanding of place value! 

Easy change, big impact! LOVE!

My favorite Place Value resource is from Cara Carroll - check it out!

Have a great week, y'all!!


1 Miss Kindergarten said...

We started doing this this year too!! When we got to teen numbers about a month ago our kids were like "just like during calendar!" It is seriously genius, why did it take us so long to figure this out?!? Lol!

2 Amanda D! said...

Whoa! That's amazing! Why is it the BEST ideas are always the SIMPLE ones? You deserve a cookie for that one =)

Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

3 Unknown said...

What a great idea....the straws get really annoying when you have a bunch of them and don't bundle! I can't wait to try this idea next year--with a new school year and class !!
-Lovely Nina

Anonymous said...

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