Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Classroom Setup 2015 - Day Two

Happy Hump Day!
I finally got to start decorating!!! My favorite part!!! 
Here are some progress pics!

I added a new animal alphabet this year from Lavinia Pop! 
It is a FREE download! I adore that every letter has an animal to go with it - perfect for my jungle theme!

She has a precious leaf border, but I wanted to bring more animal print into the room, so I cut off the border and glued onto leopard and zebra scrapbook paper! LOVE how it turned out!!! 

I also LOVE the Animal Themed Reading Strategy posters from Nicole Bunt! I searched high and low for ones that I loved {cute animal clipart and fun fonts!} and these fit the bill! And wait for it - they are FREE!!!!! 

Links in pink! 

Yellow ruffle bulletin board border ~ DIY with butcher paper 

Math Work Station banner and letters ~ DIY on Silhouette Cameo

Math Work station number labels on tubs ~ DIY on Silhouette Cameo

Green scallop edge magnetic boards ~ bought from Monograms Plus in Birmingham, Alabama

Pink Math Work Station tubs with lids ~ Walmart, 2012

Colored buckets on tables ~ Garden Ridge {now At Home}, 2010

Purple Table caddy ~ Michael's, 2015

Storage cubes at back kidney table ~ Target, 2012

Storage cubes at back kidney table ~ Target, 2012

Large green storage tubs ~ Staples, 2014

Wild About Learning banner and letters ~ DIY on Silhouette Cameo

Pink drawers for paper ~ Walmart, 2012

Thanks so much for reading!!! 
Be back soon with a full classroom tour! 


1 Teaching Little Miracles said...

Hi Kelli! It's looking good! I don't report back until August 17th but all these classroom setup pictures are making me a little excited. My plan is to go in the first week of August, then take the next week off from everything teaching, and be fresh for my first day back. We'll see if I stick to that! Ha!

Teaching Little Miracles

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