Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making Inferences

Happy Hump Day! Excited for a 3 day weekend right around the corner! :)

Our reading comprehension focus this month is making inferences. When I looped to first grade last year, I remember this being one of the hardest things I taught! HA! I know, I know, you fifth grade teachers {if you even read this blog!} are rolling your eyes! :)

Thanks to some fab bloggers, my unit is MUCH better the second time around!

I introduced making inferences by telling my firsties they would be Inference Investigators {thanks Abby!}

inspiredappleheader2 copy

Then, I used the pictures from Abby’s Inferencing Investigation TpT unit. I showed them a picture and then we discussed what we could infer from the picture. For example, I showed them a picture of a girl eating a lollipop with a smile on her face. We could infer that she likes lollipops and that she is happy.

The Snow Day Case File activity from the same Inferencing Investigation unit is presh! Be sure to check it out!

Abby also created an awesome Mystery Box activity that is perfect for teaching inferring AND introducing a new unit!

Kim at Mrs. Saylor’s Log has some presh {FREE!} ideas for making inferences with poetry. I LOVE all of the poems! The poems give rhyming ‘clues’ to infer what the poem is about.

Check it out by clicking below!


I also love to use some of the David books by David Shannon! These books are always a hit with the kiddos and they are super for them to use picture and text clues to make inferences!

No, David!            David Gets in Trouble        David Goes to School

Off to watch Modern Family! :) Enjoy the rest of your week!


1 Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

I love it! I just blogged about Abby's activities yesterday too and I had my kids dress up as "Inferring Investigators" with detective hats :) I also made a simple activity to infer with Pete the Cat if you'd like to check it out :) I love that everyone has so many different ideas about inferencing, it's awesome :) Love your blog!

Lisa :)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade

2 Unknown said...

My 4 year old son LOVES fact, he is a lot like David!! lol
First Grade Blue SKies

3 Miss M said...

I love the David books! I actually just got a set of them from Scholastic in December! I hadn't thought to use them for inferencing lessons though...thank you!


4 Christina Bainbridge said...

Love Modern Family! :)

I also love teaching about inferring... it gets me all jazzed up about the skills that we don't even know we use then we read! I'm a pretty big geek about that!

Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

5 Kim said...


Thanks for the shout out. I have been out of commission with computer problems and this cheered me up!

Kim at

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