Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let's Get Organized {MATH} and Giveaway!

Happy Sunday friends! Long time, no blog!!! We just got back from a week at Seagrove Beach! SO GORGEOUS! Love 30A's white sand and emerald water! 

Hello to my new followers! Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by!

A few updates concerning TpT:

*I uploaded my newest Word Work unit last week: What a Hoot! {Vowel Digraph /oo/} Word Work and I forgot to do a little giveaway! So sorry! I used to do the first 3 commenters, but then I realized that might not be the fairest way to do it! So...just comment below with ONE comment telling me you follow this blog and my TpT store AND leave your email address. I will choose 5 peeps randomly on Tuesday, June 26 {because in just 2 short months from that day I will be 30! Is. that. real???????}

*Last week there was some fuss about Daily Five materials {both free and priced items}. I took down my free Daily Five posters and activity sheets while the situation was sorted out. I had to include some special wording from the 2 Sisters and have uploaded the free Daily Five posters and activity sheets again! Thanks for your patience! 

Now that 4 weeks {GULP!} of summer have passed, it's time to get organized!!! My school stuff is strewn about in our office upstairs and some of it is {yes, I'll admit it} still outside in the garage. It is in the garage because it JUST came out of my car when we were packing it for the beach! I brought all that stuff home for a reason, right??!! :)

Let's focus on math first, shall we?! 


I LOVE CUBEICALS! I LOVE CUBEICALS! I LOVE CUBEICALS! These are best ever!!! I got mine at Target last summer. I have also seen them at office supply stores, like Staples. 

I currently have one 'cube' for each math topic we teach:
Place Value

To make the labels, I printed the circles on card stock and then glued them to zebra scrapbook paper and laminated. Click {HERE} to grab the labels! 

In each cube I keep games {in gallon baggies}, as well as number work pieces {in quart sized baggies}. Number Work in my room is basically a math center! Number Work consists of a recording sheet {my documentation} and manipulatives or cards. I keep the recording sheet in my Math Menu binder. Each recording sheet is in a page protector. I love page protectors and are one my favorite organizing tools! I tried to keep the cards in with the recording sheet, but they were always falling out. So now, when I begin a new math unit, I pull the cube and all of my math games and number work pieces are ready to go! The kids will sometimes grab something from a cube, most mostly I keep everything in the cubes and take out what is needed each week.


This is where my kiddos grab what they will be working on. There is a box for their Math Journals {which they complete for Wake Up Work every morning!}, Number Work, Math Games, Math Books, and Data Detective. My kiddos work in partners so they go over to the tub and grab what they need. I am thinking of doing 2 tubs for each category this year. I got my tubs from Really Good Stuff. 

I keep the Math Journal prompts and Data Detective recording pages in my Math Menu binder. I usually do a picture scene or Roll and Graph for Data Detective, and all of those pieces fit nicely in the page protector behind the recording sheet.


I keep all my math manipulatives in clear shoe boxes I found at Walmart a few years ago. 
To make the labels, I printed the rectangles on card stock and then glued them to zebra scrapbook paper and laminated. They are very sturdy and WATERPROOF, which I discovered was important the year before when my printed peel and stick labels were getting splashed on during mopping!

Click {HERE} to grab the label template.  

LONGEST. POST. EVER. Thanks for sticking around!

Stay tuned....I have a big giveaway planned for my Blog Birthday on June 28! 


1 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

Love your tutorial on Math Organization!! I adore your blog and of course I'm a longtime follower! I also follow your TPT store. :)

2 Laura said...

So jealous! Love 30A!! Also love your this Math post! Thanks for sharing!

Peace, Love, and First Grade

3 Jessica Laurine said...

Gosh, I wish I lived near a Target! Love the cubby storage. I already follow your blog and TpT store!

I'm having a giveaway as well, come check it out! :)
The Littlest Scholars

4 ashleythurston said...

I follow your blog an store... Love all your stuff!!!

5 smoran892 said...

I need to get me a cubicle ASAP! It looks so cute and organized!

T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

6 Brittany said...

I follow your blog and TPT store! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas.

7 Sandra said...

I follow your blog and TpT store!
Your stuff is sooo organized! I love it!
Hopefully my room looks like that one day ;)

❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

8 miss m said...

I just spent a week at 30A, my first time there! LOVED it and can't wait to go back!!!

9 Trainor said...

First time here! Love it!

10 Kelly S. said...

I follow your blog and TpT store!

11 Heather said...

I follow your blog and TPT store.

Heather (

12 Rachel said...

I follow our blog and tpt store!

13 Kristen said...

I am a follower of both!! Thanks for the math you use EnVision?

14 Elizabeth @ Third Grade Royalty said...

Hi.. Just started following your blog and tpt store and love it... Your ideas are fabulous.


15 Rebekah Kochavi said...

I follow your blog and tpt store. Thanks for the great ideas.


16 Lisa R. said...

I love how you store your math manipulatives!! I follow your blog & TPT store! :)

Learning Is Something to Treasure

17 Katy said...

I follow your blog and TPT store. Love the owls! Too cute!

18 Mrs. Steinmann's Grade 1/2 said...

I follow you blog and TPT store... really wish you would stop by my classroom and work your organizational magic! My room is always a mess.

19 Kate said...

I love the math organization!


20 Unknown said...

Hey Hey! :) I wanted to let you know that I awarded your blog the "One Lovely Blog" award! Check out my blog to pick it up! <3

21 Kristen said...

The OO word work looks super cute!! I'm all for birthday celebrations (mine is tomorrow!) :)

22 Big Reader said...

I love your blog! I was wondering where you got your zebra rug? I am in the process of adding a few things to my room and a zebra rug is top of my list! Thanks!

23 Shelia said...

I'm a follower of both your blog and tpt store. Glad you had a great time on vacation. Thanks so much for not only telling how you organized all your math items, but especially for showing us pictures. Thanks. That will be a great help as I will be doing that next week, when I get back from vacation.

24 JennyG said...

I absolutely love both your blog and tpt store. Thank you for sharing such FABULOUS ideas!! This math orgazation tutorial is fabulous!!!

25 Lori R said...

I follow your blog and TPT store!

26 Kimberly said...

I follow your blog and TPT it all!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and TpT store! Thanks for the great math organization ideas. Can't wait to try a few!

28 Mrs. Brown said...

Love your blog and store! I follow both!

29 Unknown said...

I follow your blog and your TPT store. I will be new to 1st grade next year so all your ideas are wonderful to see. Thank you.

30 Hillary said...

I am now following your blog and I love all of your organizational stuff! I am giving you the One Lovely Blog Award! Just head over to my blog to accept:

31 said...

You inspire me to be more organized! My theme this year is owls. I got some really cute things for my classroom from Carson Dellosa. Your newest word work activities are sweet.

32 Cindy said...

I already follow your blog ~ you're already on my favorite sellers list at Tpt ~ and, I LOVE your stuff!! :o)


33 Yvonnee said...

I follow your blog and TPT store. Thanks for the opportunity.

34 Amanda said...

I am so a your posts :)
Thanks for making this random instead of the 1st 3 comments :)

35 Megan said...

Love and follow your blog and I follow your TPT store! I've shopped several times!

36 Mrs. Baxter said...

I'm following your TPT store, and I follow your blog by email. Don't want to miss a thing!!!

37 Tammy said...

I follow your blog and your TpT store. I love your adorable creations!


38 Sarah Herring said...

I follow your blog and tpt store. :)

39 Teaching Little Miracles said...

Bet you had a great time on your trip! The picture is beautiful! I'm jealous LOL! We love your posts and and would like to give you the One Lovely Blog Award! Visit our blog to get it! :)

40 Teaching Little Miracles said...

I bet you had a great time on your trip! Love the picture! I'm jealous lol!
We sure love your posts and would like to give you the One Lovely Blog Award! Visit our blog to get it! :)

41 Teaching Little Miracles said...

Guess what? Kristi and I are giving you another award! The Versatile Blogger Award - Come and get them! :-)

Teaching Little Miracles

P.S. You've been busy!

Anonymous said...

Your class is so well organized. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower. Good thing it's summer. I have time to search through all of your post. Please visit my blog at Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.

43 Traci Clausen said...

LOVE the cubicles... I was thinking about using them as "bench seating" for my kiddos, too. Do you think they'd hold up to that?
❤Dragonflies in First ❤

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