Friday, June 8, 2012

Math Block

Happy, happy Friday!!! It's 3:00 pm on a is officially the weekend! I begin my summer professional development with my district, I am beginning to think a lot about MATH! I feel like my reading block is SET...thanks to the Daily Five! I just keep adding things here and there and it is going so well! Click {HERE} to read all about the Daily Five book study this summer! :)

For the last 2 years, I have incorporated a Daily Five math model into my math block. We call it MATH MENU!
After working out the kinks, I am LOVING it...

Here is the most recent break down of the five choices:
Math Games ~ up to 6 students ~ games galore!
Number Work ~ 4 students ~ pencil and paper activity WITH manipulatives
Data Detective ~ up to 6 students ~ Roll and Graph or class graph completed on Monday
Computers ~ 2 students ~ {a site our district subscribes to}
iPad ~ 2 students ~ lots and lots of fun apps!

The only choice the kiddos HAVE to complete each week are Number Work and Data Detective! This gives them 3 days to choose between games, iPad, and computers. Not every student loves the computer or iPad and would prefer to play card or board games...which is FINE by me! :)

It goes just like the Daily Five...except there is only one mini lesson and one choice per day! 
This is our morning math block:
7:45 - 8:10 Wake Up Work: Mountain Math and Math Journal
8:10 - 8:25 - Morning Meeting and Calendar
8:25 - 8:40 Mini Lesson
8:40 - 8:55 Math Menu choice and work session

I am thinking about taking Data Detective out and incorporating it into our Friday wake up work??? 
I would like to replace it with a Fact game reinforce fact fluency throughout the year!

I have heard the Sisters are beginning to think about Daily Five math. Click {HERE} to watch a video from the Sisters. I have heard there is a book in the works!!!

BUT I am tempted to check out Debbie Diller's math stations??!!?? I feel kind of left out when I read about it on everyone's blogs!!! HA! One difference I can see is that there is not choice in work stations, but with Daily Five math, students choose their station! Another difference is that most of the Daily Five choices go along with the current unit, while math work stations represent a math concept.

What do you do??? Math Daily Five??? Work Stations???? 
Leave a comment and tell me about your math block OR leave a link to a blog post about it! :)

Ok...that is enough school for a Friday afternoon in the summer! :) Off to get ready for a little pizza party with neighbors!

Have a FUN IN THE SUN weekend!


1 YearntoLearn said...

I'm wanting to do more organized math work stations next year to...still thinking about the logistics. Happy Friday and pizza.

Yearn to Learn Blog

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of Math Daily 5. I am a recent college grad looking for my first teaching job so I have never tried the daily 5 but everything I have read on it sounds great and I love this math idea to go with it!

Just started a new blog and would love some blog love over there!

3 Beach Teacher said...

I love guided math!!! I have been taking a more Debbie Diller workstations approach for the past 4 years and will never go back to the old way! You can read more about it on my blog: (scroll down below the 1st few for the best ideas there where I explain how to do it). I do daily 5 for reading. Let me know if I can be of help:)

4 Miss DeCarbo said...

I call my math block "Daily 3 Math" and I love it! It sounds similar to yours. I have three choices: Math by Myself, Math with Someone, and Math on Computers. (Of course, there is Math with Teacher but that is not considered a "choice" haha!). I have two rounds. The students MUST do Math by Myself each day in order to get their practice paper done. Then, if they are not meeting with me, they may choose a round of Math with Someone (partner games) or Math on Computer. If my students are doing Math by Myself and they finish early, I have a ton of games they can play on their own for the remainder of the round. :) Hope that helps! :)

Sugar and Spice

5 Lauren Morse said...

I use math tubs and love them. Here's a post I wrote about them last summer. Looking forward to next week :)

6 Claire said...

I am planning on implementing Debbie's math work stations next year. I think that choices would be doable with her work stations because there are {supposed to be} multiple activities in each math tub. My understanding was that the kids could do as many things in that tub as they wanted to and could get to that day. That way, they still have a little choice over what their activity is. It was also great for differentiation. I'm looking forward to starting my work stations next year! :)

7 Mrs. Lynes said...

Two years ago, my district adopted the Everyday Math series and we have been told that the expectation is that we are doing that series.... I am not a fan and haven't found a way to work in math stations or daily 5 math. This series DOES do games.... So we do game day on Fridays. But other than that I don't love it :(

8 Down Under Teacher said...

I've changed up the way I do math this year. I use the T.I.M.E. acronym (Teacher's Choice, Indepdent Work, Math Facts and Essential Revision). I love it because I can be flexible with the timetable depending on the concept, public holidays, what the kids need etc. I also have plenty of time for whole class instruction and activities (bring on craftivities!). I've written a little about it here I think it's a great idea to incorporate Math Facts into your rotations and make Data Detectives a Friday Wake-Up work activity (what a great name haha!). Like you, I think that kids need to develop fact fluency and they needs heaps of time and practice to do so.

Down Under Teacher

9 Unknown said...

Have you checked out Guided Math from Laney Sammons? I read all three of her books last summer and they are awesome. She also has a guided math group on Yahoo that I enjoy chatting with. I also really like to use Evan Moor's Take it to Your Seat Math centers with my computers during rotations in my classroom. You can have the students work in pairs or individually with them.

10 Unknown said...

I do Math Daily 3 and will be blogging about it soon! So glad to have found you! Would love for you to stop by if you have a moment to my newbie blog :)

Tori's Teacher Tips

11 Miss Trayers said...

I use workstations and love Debbie-going to see her talk about her math stations next month! :) I allow my kids choice with their stations-for some classes, some have not been able to handle it. I think you can take ideas from different sources and then mold that to the class you have. Thanks for sharing your ideas!


Anonymous said...

Great posts everyone! Thanks a bunch. My big summer project is to revamp my math block. Our school has to do Everyday Math. I am not a huge fan of the program so I need to jazz it up. I love the idea of Daily Three. I think I could start whole group with the mail lesson and how long does everyone do their math block?

Thanks Chris

13 Tamera Wilson said...

Last year I implemented Daily 5 as a part of my reading. I was working on a Daily 5 for Math, but did not implement it due to having a student teacher. Didn't want to throw something totally new for her to try out before I had. Now, I am participating in the Guided Math book study hosted by Primary Paradise. Only in Chapter 2, so I am not sure which way I will go next year.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know if you go to the sisters site they have the daily 5 for math set up and explained. It is wonderful just like for reading. I would truly encourage you to examine it. Love it~ going to implement it this year.

15 Rikki said...

I'm your newest follower. I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog.

The Hive

16 Tamera Wilson said...

Do you still do math mountain as your "Read to self" element of Daily Math?

Anonymous said...

Do you have an update for how you landed on math this school year?

18 Unknown said...


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