Monday, September 10, 2012

Cameo Creations

Hi friends! I know I am not the first person to say this, but I seriously love, love, love the Cameo!!! It is so much fun to craft with! I am obsessed with scalloped circles and the MTF Jumpin Jack font, so the Cameo and I are BFF's! 

I have had my Cameo since the spring...but let's be didn't come out of the box until this summer! I wasn't really into decorating my classroom in April...since it all has to come down in May! I took her out of the package this summer and can't get enough!

My favorite things about the Cameo- 
*You can use any font installed on your computer
 {Hello - MTF Jumpin Jack, Doodle Tipsy, CK Handprint, 
Smiley Monster}

*Easy to use software

*20% educator discount

Here are some classroom crafts created with the Cameo-

Cubeical storage labels 
{Can't get ENOUGH of the scalloped circle!}

Good Work Spotted work display

Swinging Into First Grade bulletin board

Math Work Stations board
Do you remember when I wasn't sure if I wanted to do Daily 5 Math or Math Work Stations this summer??? Although I LOVE The Daily Five for reading, I really HEART Work Stations for math. Loving it so far...on day 15! :)
I made the Math banner, the work stations letters, and the number magnets with the Cameo! The scalloped lime green magnetic boards are from a gift boutique in Birmingham. One of my fave new additions to my room!

Math Work Station tubs
Math Work Station tubs were $3.50 a piece from Walmart. I try to avoid Walmart at all costs and only go in the summer to pick up hard to find school supplies. I am a Target girl at heart! ;)
The lids are a 8 1/2 x 11 piece of zebra scrapbook paper, a lime green polka dot scalloped circle, with pink numbers in Doodle Tipsy font! 

Coming up soon...
*There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves mini unit
*Fall Math unit
*a Math Work Station freebie!

Have a wonderful week! :)


1 Unknown said...

I just got my cameo on Saturday. Thanks for sharing your creations....I am just a beginner, but I'm sure it will get easier as I practice!

2 JennyB said...

I am so jealous! I think I'm going to have to ask for a Cameo for Christmas! But, back to math did you get started?! Intro one a day and just go from there? I soooooo want to do them and I just haven't gotten into the management of it and I'm also doing the Daily 5 for the first time and I'm just barely getting everything done! Help!
One Berry Blog

Anonymous said...

I love your creations! Are the number signs above the math work stations for sale on TPT?

Anonymous said...

I love all of your ideas!! I am just beginning the Daily 5 and downloaded your posters. Do you have any using the same cute pictures with just "Read to Self," etc? If so, where can I find them?
Thanks for everything!

5 Mrs. Jankord said...

I am also curious about math work stations. How are you managing that? What do you include in your math tubs? We have been talking about starting something like this because it's been difficult to teach common core whole class.

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