Sunday, September 9, 2012

Giveaway Winners and Coming Up

Thanks so much for your sweet comments! Vera, Lorajoelle, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Kayce, and Kinderkids...check your email! :)

As I sipped on my very first Pumpkin Spice latte of the season this afternoon, I got to thinking about fall! I HEART FALL! I am working on the There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves unit, as well as a fall math unit and a math work station freebie for you! :) I am also working on uploading the pics for my Cameo Creations post! 

Have a great week!!!


1 lorawebster said...

Kelli, thank you so much! I am very, very excited to use this! After reading this, I want to go get a pumpkin spice latte...


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