Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fave Five Math Apps

Hi all! So excited that it is time for another Tech Tuesday! 

I am such a planner and really enjoy having a blogging plan! 
Thanks again to sweet Katie King {Queen of the First Grade Jungle} for throwing the Techy Tuesday linky party!

I love having an iPad in my classroom! We have access to an iPad lab with a class set of iPads that we use once a week, but we have one iPad that stays in our room. During math, the iPad is one of the 9 Math Work Stations. 
The app they use changes based on what unit we are on, 
but the apps above are my fave five math apps to use all year long!

This is a fun way to practice addition and subtraction facts! 

Another great app for the never ending addition and subtraction fact practice!

LOVE this numberline app! I use this to introduce subtracting {counting back} with the number line.

Great for all first grade math skills!

Number Squeeze is just like Monster Squeeze from Everyday Math! Super cute!

I am still reeling from the drama that was the Bachelor! The rose falling and smashing into pieces - so poetic! And now I have to gear up for TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW next week - I am not sure I can handle it...I usually require a week recovery...and normalcy! Ha! I DO love AshLee...and am starting to see a cute side of Catherine. I just HEART it!!!

Angela, Stefanie, and Julie - I just emailed you! :)

Enjoy the rest of your week! :)


1 Literacy Without Worksheets said...

My son loves Math Pop!

Literacy Without Worksheets

2 Unknown said...

Do you only have one IPad for the students to use?


The Bilingual Teacher

3 Kelli :) said...

Hi Angela,
Yes, I only have 1 iPad in the classroom at all times. We have access to an iPad lab as well. I use a headphone splitter so that 2 kiddos can use the iPad at the same time!

Thanks for reading! :)

4 Mrs. Mody said...

Where do you get a headphone splitter?

5 Amanda said...

I am going to go download these games on my ipad at home tonight for my kiddos at home. We are getting our first classroom iPad's tomorrow at work. I can't wait! :)

Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

6 Mithun said...

Thank you Kelli for including our Splash Math app in you list :-)

7 Corinna said...

I have Splash Math, but not some of the others. Thanks for the tips:)

Surfin' Through Second

8 Stef (Miss Galvin Learns) said...

Fabulous list of apps - can't wait to download them for my class.

And thanks so much for the There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose pack! I'm so excited to use it with my kiddos!

Miss Galvin Learns

9 Kelsey Leathers said...

I absolutely love your blog! We just got 1 ipad for each classroom and I am so excited to use these apps! I just started my own blog so please take a quick look if you ever have time! :)


Anonymous said...

I can't say enough about how amazing your blog is! I used to be pretty jealous of classrooms that had IPADS in them :) but now I am going to be one of those classrooms. I am going to be the test "pilot" of my school to see the enrichment IPADS can bring to a classroom!

I had a quick question about your technology policy that is in place at your school concerning the IPADS- do you have teacher technology policy for your school concerning the IPADS in your classroom? My school is trying to put together one and I was hoping to get some ideas concerning if the teacher buys the app but the IPAD is the schools who does the app belong to if the teacher and the school ever part ways or vice versa.

Thanks for your weekly inspiration!

11 Annie Moffatt said...

I love checking our new apps! Thanks for telling us your favorites!!

12 Unknown said...

I only have one Ipad, too. I wish I could have more. They really help, Kelli.

Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT

Anonymous said...

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