Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Techy Teacher Tuesday

Hey friends! LOVE a four day week! :)

I am linking up with Katie at Queen of the First Grade Jungle {such a precious teacher and mama} for Techy Teacher Tuesday!
I am so excited for this series! I have been thinking about doing some 'intentional' tech posts and this gives me the perfect setup! Thanks so much for hosting this linky, Katie! :)

I am piloting a BYOD {Bring Your Own Device} program in my classroom this year. I will be totally honest, I was a *little* hesitant about this at first. 6 year olds? iPads in book bags? SCARY STUFF!
BUT - I have been pleasantly surprised! The kiddos are ultra responsible and they get SO excited when it is Tech Tuesday in our classroom! 

We have BYOD every Tuesday. We don't have a special on Tuesdays, so we have access to a laptop lab or iPad lab to have TECH in our classrooms as a special. I prefer to use iPads with the littles, as there is no log in confusion! :) On average, I have about 6 kiddos {out of 18} bring a device, such as an iPod Touch, an iPad, or internet accessible tablet. I have the iPad lab in my classroom during our Tech Tuesday time, so the kiddos who don't bring a device get an iPad. No hurt little first grade souls... :)

We have been partnering with a fourth grade class as our Tech Buddies! This class is also piloting the BYOD program. 
A few years ago...Book Buddies, now its Tech Buddies! 
Can't believe it! :)

Here are two things that I LOVE when working on iPads 
{whether the iPad labs or on one of the kiddos devices they brought from home}

This app allows you to access websites that require Flash on an iPad or iPod. Think Raz-Kids and Starfall. This is a free download that is genius!

This allows 2 students to have headphones when working on an iPad! LIFESAVER. I repeat. LIFESAVER! :) This allows 2 students to use an iPad as a Word Work choice in Daily Five and as a Math Work Station during Math Work Stations. 
I found mine randomly at Big Lots this summer when I scouring the EARTH for pink lid storage boxes! HA! You can also grab them on Amazon! 

I'll be back next Tuesday with my favorite reading apps!

Many thanks for your sweet comments for the Snow Day Giveaway! :)

Have a wonderful winter week! :)


1 Jackie and Danielle {Sister Teachers} said...

Hi Kelli!
Wow! I absolutely love BYOD!! What a brilliant idea! =)How many of your kiddos bring devices? Do the kids who don't bring in their "own" device feel bad about it? How did you tackle that issue {if you had to}? BTW..tech buddies are so cool!! =) Thanks for the techy ideas!!
Sister Teachers

2 Kelli :) said...

Hi Jackie! :)
Thank you so much for your questions! I actually just edited the post to answer these very questions! Ha! I guess I was hungry for dinner and I hastily posted without rereading! :)

About 6 of my 18 kiddos bring a device. I have the iPad lab in our classroom during Tech Tuesday time, so there are no hurt feelings! All the littles LOVE an iPad, so they don't seem to mind! The majority don't bring devices, so it hasn't been an issue!

Thanks so much for reading! :)

3 Literacy Without Worksheets said...

I like how you bring your iPad Lab to your classroom on those days. I don't think any of the children at my school have an iPad at home, so they love when they get to use the iPads (or my phone)! Have you found that you are learning about new apps when they bring their device from home? My issue is that we can't update our iPads in the building, and they only will update them in the summer :(

Literacy Without Worksheets

4 Jane said...

We were just talking about whether the students should be bringing their own devices. I like the idea of having a designated day. I will share that with my colleagues! I have a splitter, too, and agree it is a must have.

Learning in the Little Apple

5 Miss Cosby said...

I love BYOD! I'm also a bit jealous of an iPad lab. Sounds devine. I love techy stuff! I linked up too. If you want you can check out some iPad apps I love in first grade (and because of this linky the list is growing)

I'm your newest follower and I'm off to check out Rover!

You Might Be a First Grader...

6 dissertation proposal writing said...

You posted editorial teachy teacher tuesday which gives users bunch of information concerning meticulous subject recognition for this allocate.
Dissertation proposal writing

Anonymous said...

I can't say enough about how amazing your blog is! I used to be pretty jealous of classrooms that had IPADS in them :) but now I am going to be one of those classrooms. I am going to be the test "pilot" of my school to see the enrichment IPADS can bring to a classroom!

I had a quick question about your technology policy that is in place at your school concerning the IPADS- do you have teacher technology policy for your school concerning the IPADS in your classroom? My school is trying to put together one and I was hoping to get some ideas concerning if the teacher buys the app but the IPAD is the schools who does the app belong to if the teacher and the school ever part ways or vice versa.

Thanks for your weekly inspiration!

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