Thursday, November 7, 2013

Opinion Writing Freebie

Happy TG-almost-F!!! 
We are headed to the farm for a field trip tomorrow, so today was our last school day this week! :) The farm is my most fave trip of the year - it is so much fun! It will be in the low 60s here in Alabama - perfect fun fall weather!

We started our Opinion writing unit this week! 
With the implementation of the Common Core standards, firsties must now write an opinion piece. 

CCSS ELA-Literacy W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion and provide some sense of closure. 

Here are a few popular opinion texts:

This week, we started with Hey, Little Ant! LOVE this book!!! 
It sparks such precious conversation with littles and their sweet hearts of gold! 

Here are some awesome printables I found to use with 
Hey, Little Ant!

LOVE this creativity from sweet Cara!

We used this paper from Dots and Spots to help us organize our ideas!

Here is a little freebie with pictures of the mentor texts and four generic printables to use with TOPIC or TEXT. 

***Legend of the Five Corn Kernels update - 
Several friends have asked me to repost this activity to TpT. I decided to take it off TpT this summer due to copyright reasons. I don't want to have any resources that I didn't create…I obviously did not make up this little lesson! Here is a link to a blog that features The Legend of the Five Corn Kernels. 
So sorry to disappoint! :(

Hope you have a fab Friday and a wonderful weekend! 


1 Oceans of First Grade Fun said...

Such a great post! Thanks for the freebie!

2 Debbie Crockett said...

Hey Little Ant has been one of my favorites for years. Third graders also love it. I've used it for point of view lessons but never for opinion writing. It will be interesting to see what third graders can say to support their opinions about the boy and the ant. Thanks for the inspiration.
Debbie Crocket
Crockett's Classroom

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