Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Update

Happy summer from the South! Hope everyone had a marvelous 4th! Can you believe summer is half way over?! July means classroom setup! June is still easy breezy...full of beach, lake, and pool days! But, JULY?! It means business! 

I have taken a break from blogging because...we have been preparing for our move back to Georgia from Sweet Home Alabama! We will miss our awesome Bama friends and neighbors! I am also leaving behind a fantastic school filled with the sweetest parents, kiddos, and some of the BEST teacher friends a girl can have! We are so excited to be close to family and friends again after living in Bama for 6 years!!! 

The hubs got a great new job in Atlanta and I had a Kindergarten position at a fantastic school! But...don't you hate the but? 

I don't know what school or grade level I will be teaching this school year!  I am sort of having heart palpitations just typing it!!!! Of course, with Kindergarten, we know comes the numbers game! I have played this game for many years! I taught Kinder in Georgia for two years and in Alabama for two years! In Alabama, I was the newest hire and both summers it was touch and go all summer to see if we would have the numbers for me to stay! The third summer I was lucky enough to have a chance to loop up to first grade with my sweet class, and I jumped at the chance! No more numbers game....sign me up! 
Alas, here I am again in the same boat! After nine years of teaching {four in Kinder and five in first grade} I am back at the mercy of numbers! 
However...I have made a list of the positives and negatives...just in case some of my fellow Bloggers find themselves in my predicament! 

*I have a job! I have signed a contract and will be placed...eventually! :)

*I can't change themes, which will save me money! I was all about changing my theme...I have been a jungle theme for four years and was itching to switch! But...because I won't find out my grade level or school until the week of pre planning, there ain't no time for that!  This saves me some serious cash! 

*I can't work over the summer! This is a hard one for me...but sort of refreshing if I can distract myself with my Nook, shopping, Pretty Little Liars on Netflix, etc! This is the first summer that I have not been printing, laminating, cutting, etc! It is a nice break {so I tell myself! ;)}

*I can't work over the summer! Hahahahaha! I had to! :)

*The unknown! Eek! So scary the places my mind will go! I just pray, pray, pray! Every time I get anxious about it, I pray that He will place me where I am needed most and that there will be kiddos in my class that I am meant to teach next year!

Is there anyone that taught Kinder/first grade for several years and then moved to another grade? Like fifth? Just preparing myself! Please tell me your grade changing story! Please!!!

So, until then...I will be filling up my new planner! There is nothing more I love than a fresh new planner with brand spanking new Flair  pens! Ahh! This is a renewed obsession after I took a brief hiatus and tried to go new age and keep a Google cal.  Last year, I was all about Erin Condren, but as much as I adored it, it was too big to carry in my purse and I ended up leaving it at school or at home...and well that defeats the purpose of a planner.

 I am loving the Lilly planners this year! They have four sizes {this is the medium} and it is only $22.00. Score! It is big enough to have not squeeze your writing, but small enough to drop in my bag and go! LOVE!!!!!!

Have a great week, y'all! xoxo


1 Shannon said...

While I'm sad to see you leave your awesome Bama school and friends, I'm THRILLED you'll be coming back to Atlanta!! I teach in Alpharetta and know whatever school you're at in the area is beyond lucky to have you!! My school still has an opening, if you're interested I'd be more than happy to pass your info on. Maybe then you wouldn't be at the mercy of numbers?? :)

2 Room 214-Ms. Wenzel's Blog said...

Changes and excitement for you! Keep us posted. Smiles and stop by anytime!

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I'm sure that no matter which grade level you end up teaching, you will be fabulous at it! You will also be the most refreshed teacher in the school! Enjoy all of this summer time to just relax! Good luck!

An Apple a Day in First Grade

4 Jenn Long said...

Hi Kelli!
I taught 1st grade for about 3 years and was moved to 5th grade a week before school was a numbers thing for me too so I can totally relate. It was a huge adjustment...those 5th graders were fun but whew! So very different from my firsties! The cool thing was that some of my 5th graders were also my 1st graders, so it was fun seeing how they grew. I was in 5th grade for 2 years and looking back now, I wish I was there another year but a 1st grade position opened up and I came back to the littler ones. That experience changed everything about how I managed and taught my 1st graders. So grateful for that experience! Best wishes for whatever comes your way!
A Pirates Life for Us

5 Adriana said...

Hi Kelli-I just stumbled on your blog thru TPT, and I love it! I want to wish you good luck at your new school, and remember: show no fear (kids can smell fear ;)

Ventaneando: A Window Into First Grade Bilingüe

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