Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School!

Hi, friends! Happy September! 
Leaves, apples, pumpkin spice lattes! I can barely contain my excitement! 
Hope your back to school time is going swell!
We are in week 5 and I am just coming up for air!!! 

My last update was in July as I told you about how I was unassigned! 
I am THRILLED to share with you that I am teaching KINDERGARTEN!!!!
I am just loving it! I am at a FABULOUS school, with a FANTASTIC team, and I have a DARLING class! I seriously could not be happier! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! God has a plan for our lives that far supersedes our understanding! God is good! We are thrilled to be back home in Atlanta with our family and friends! :)

Since I am now in Kindergarten {pinch me!} my new products will be geared toward the littlest of learners! :) 

A few updates coming soon:

- I am working on an alphabet writing activity that will be posted on TpT shortly! Be on the lookout for a giveaway! 

- I will be updating the Roll and Read {Fluency Phrases} packets with more pages...and phrases for each vowel letter! 

- I will be doing a recap of sorts at the beginning of each month! I will be back shortly with a recap of August. This is my first year back in Kindergarten after teaching first grade for four years... I am jotting notes down about units, when I introduced certain activities, etc. I want to use this blog to help me remember - haha - and to hear your input about when you introduce certain tasks with your Kinders! 



1 Happy Days in First Grade said...

Congratulations on teaching Kindergarten! I teach 1st grade, and I absolutely love it! Btw, your blog is SUPER cute! :)

First Grade Shashay

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