Monday, February 2, 2015

100th Day Hooray!

Hello? Hello? Anyone there?
I am embarrassed by my blog absence!
 I will sum it up in two words. 


Haha! Let me elaborate!

 When we moved to Georgia, I accepted a Kindergarten position. I have been teaching first grade for the past four years! After just four years, I COMPLETELY forgot what the first few weeks of Kinder is all about. Whew! I recovered sometime in October, but then it was time for the holiday trifecta! So, here I am!!!

We moved twice in the past six months! We moved from Birmingham to Atlanta and stayed with my parents until our house was ready. Then, we moved into our house a few weeks ago! Simply said...boxes instead of blogging! 

I am thrilled to be back! I have seriously missed blogging and creating! I have kept tons of notes in my iPhone about blog post ideas and upcoming units! 

100th Day Hooray! is the newest mini unit in my shop and it is FREE! Please check it out! Nothing fancy...just some festive fun ideas, a Tootsie Roll Pop experiment, and printable prompts! 

Have y'all celebrated your 100th day already? If so, tuck it away for next year! I LOVE that TpT now gives you access to your free downloads. Such a time saver!!!

I am off to enjoy some Super Bowl leftovers {yummo dips}
Have a great week!


1 Unknown said...

I'm glad your move has been great!
First Grade Blue Skies

2 frasico022 said...

I loved the way you have expressed your move, and I am sure it has been great. You know I am very excited as I am going to Phoenix pre-k for attending PTM of my kid. Its so interesting and I am sure my kid will be excited to see me in his class.

3 Unknown said...

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5 Games Boy said...

How cute these little dolls are
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