Sunday, August 14, 2011

Classroom Tour :)

Happy Sunday! I have had the BEST weekend recovering from the first two days of school! We hit the pool yesterday and had the most scrumptious sushi in Birmingham last night on our date night! I am refreshed and ready for a new week with my brand new firsties!

Grab a Diet Coke and get cozy….this is a looooong post full of pics! Excuse the pic quality…I used my handy dandy iPhone! It was LATE, people! Now, come on in!!!!!

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The door to our classroom and my name sign, class list, and schedule next to my door!


Left - Bulletin board outside of our classroom. Swinging into First Grade and their names are on the bananas!

Right - Work display! Got this idea from the sweetest coworker EVER, Juleigh! I got 12 x 12 scrapbook paper and glued it onto 11 x 18 construction paper. I hot glued a clothespin to the top and put their name on the bottom!


View as soon as you walk in the door.

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More views from the door!

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The front of our room! The Calendar wall is on the left, and math game storage is underneath! LOVE Cubeicals!!! Our Promethean board is in the middle (MY HEART!) and math manipulative storage underneath (pink lid shoe boxes from Wally World last summer!) My teacher tech station to the right with Reading Comprehension characters posted on the bulletin board above! Birthday bags are above the entire display!


Behavior Management! Students move their coconuts to yellow, orange, or red. **Sorry! I deleted this pic because it was sooo grainy! I will repost tomorrow! My display easel with phonics cards, and read alouds for the week!


My teacher chair next to our meeting place (zebra rug!)

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Word Work, Listen to Reading, and Work on Writing storage!

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Mailboxes for papers going home! Baskets on top for papers and projects! My AWESOME numbers from Made for First Grade! LOVE!

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Mountain Math board, Math Menu choices under the board! SAFARI book storage!

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Small group table, and my teacher area! My fridge and microwave are behind the table! My Guided Reading materials!

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Leveled library and my FAVE table!! It is an old train table I adopted from a former first grade teacher! I gave it a fresh new coat of white paint, covered the top with zebra fabric and plastic covering from Hobby Lobby. It is dry erase so my kiddos can write words and wipe it off! LOTS of game storage underneath!

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Computers, Word Wall, Reading Hut (thank you to the hubs!!!) and monthly storage for decorations, crafts, etc with book bag hooks underneath!

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Sink and storage cabinets! Daily Five anchor charts (coming soon as we make them together as a class!) and reading tricks from Oceans of First Grade Fun! HEART!

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Student work tables! Buckets from Garden Ridge and caddies from Really Good Stuff. I scored the cups at the Dollar Spot at Target this summer! Starfall journals are stored underneath the caddies for Wake Up Work! The middle zebra table was added because I needed a bit more student seating. I am going to let the Jungle Guide (helper for the day) choose a friend to sit there with them. I am going to add some special materials, like Glitter crayons, Twistable crayons, colored highlighters, monkey scissors, etc.


Back of the door going out into the hallway. I will add their pictures glued onto brown coconuts! Ok…thanks for coming into our classroom…and thanks for sticking around for this ridiculously LONG, never ending post! Please ask questions if you want to know more about any part of the room! :)


1 Jess said...

I love you Good Work Spotted Board! It looks so amazing...I can't wait to see the rest!

Rambling About Reading

2 Unknown said...

so wonderful. I love it!
your zebra table...I mean really? fantastic!
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

3 Rachelle said...

Looking good! That zebra rug is fab!

4 Melissa said...

Wow! Your room looks GREAT!! I would love to be a student here!

5 Barbara L said...

Looks beautiful. I wanna be in your class!

Grade ONEderful

6 Cyndy said...

So fabulous!! What is the table with the ribbons hanging off used for? I guess my real question is are the ribbons just decoration? Everything looks so fabulous!!!

7 Doodle Bugs said...

love the zebra!!!

Doodle Bugs Teaching
Doodle Bugs Paper

8 Chrissy said...

I love your room! Where did you find the zebra rug? (My FIL manufactures gun cases and he is going to make chair pockets for my classroom with a zebra fabric!)

Everything looks amazing. Have a terrific first day!


9 Unknown said...

I love your classroom! It is too too cute!

10 Teachingwright said...

Your room is absolutely adorable! I love how it is so organized and colorful! :)

11 Kelli :) said...

Cyndy ~ Sorry! I don't think my words published with my weird! I just re-published from Live Writer and it works! :) I use the table for Word Work...the top covering is plastic and they can write on it and wipe it off! The ribbons are just decoration...given to me by a teacher at my school who did a zebra first birthday party for her daughter! :)

12 Kelli :) said...

Chrissy ~ I ordered the rug from! Here is the link:

I got the zebra fabric at Hobby Lobby! :)

13 Unknown said...

Wow! Your room looks amazing! I love your teacher chair and your sign with the monkey and the zebra. Makes me want to do a jungle theme!

Swimming into Second

14 Kim and Scott said...

I am "pinning" every single picture you posted on my Pinterest board because it's the most organized, colorful, amazing, incredible room! The size of the room is fabulous too! Wow! They should make a show combining HGTV and Extreme Makeover and feature your beautiful classroom, really!

Kim from :


15 Mrs. S. said...

Marvelous!! Love every inch of your classroom!


Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

The Yellow Rocking Chair

16 Dianna said...

such a cute room!! :)

17 Mrs. D said...

I love, love, love your room! Everything looks fantastic! Where did you get the zebra lantern lights?

18 Jennifer K. said...

Wow I love your room - especially the reading hut and the "Queen of the Jungle chair" lol! I am envious of your students now - how fun is it going to be to learn in that room!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

19 Erin Lukas said...

Your classroom looks fabulous!! I love your behavior coconut tree!! What a great idea!!

Darci said...

OMG LOVE your room! I have a Jungle Theme as well and was wondering where you got all of your zebra and leopard print bins for clipboards and things? Also, do you have a file for your monthly lables and your writing center drawer labels? I'd love to use them if you wouldn't mind sending! Jvada31 @


21 Ms. J said...

Your room is adorable!! Where did you get your name sign for out side your door? I really want to get one for my classroom!! Love how you have your classroom list and where your class is posted outside the door!!

Miss J @ smilescrayonsandendlessstories

22 Amber Unger said...

Wow! You are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing pictures of your classroom. I hope one day (hopefully sooner than later) I will have a fun theme throughout my classroom as well! Keep up the awesome work! :)

23 Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing! Love the good work display idea....might just "steal" to jazz up my board!


24 Christie said...

OMiGosh!!! Your room is AMAZING! I can see that I have found a fellow "Zebra-Print Addict"!!! Oh my! That zebra rug is soooo super-cute-Love, love, LOVE everything!! {You have to check out my zebra print canopy I just made!}
Christie :)
First Grade Fever

Catrece Hurd said...

I have never seen a cuter classroom than this! This makes me miss teaching so bad, but whenever I go back, I know exactly what I will do. Was wondering though, how expensive was it for you to do this theme? how much did you spend?

26 Kelli :) said...

Sorry for just answering comments on this post! :)
Mrs.D ~ The zebra lights were from Pottery Barn Kids a few years mom got them from a friend who re-did her daughter's bedroom!

Darci ~ My mom got the zebra bins from Tuesday Morning this summer! I got the leopard bins from Garden Ridge last summer. I will email you about the files! Thanks for your patience! :)

Miss J ~ I made the name sign with materials from Michael's and Hobby Lobby. I bought an oval wood piece and letters and painted them with acrylic paint. I hot glued everything!!! I found the monkey and zebra at Hobby Lobby. Hope this helps! :)

Catrece ~ I bought things over a year or so, so I am not sure how much I spent total. I changed my theme when I looped with my Kinder class to first grade. I bought a lot last summer and then bought things throughout the school year! My mom has given me a lot too!! :)

27 Lucia13 said...


28 Meghan said...

i love your classroom! i was wondering where you get the seats for your kids at your small group table? also where did you get the cubeicals? thanks!

29 Kelli :) said...

Hi Meghan! Thanks for your sweet comment!
I got the seats and the Cubeicals at Target! Love!!! At some point this summer, the seats were $17 a piece. The Cubeicals are much math game storage!!! :)

30 Jenny said...

I was wondering what type of shelving you have that holds the shoe boxes with the pink lids. They are low to the ground and look like something I might could use. Thanks for you help. Your room looks amazing!!!


31 Tracy said...

is your easel from lakeshore?
if so, did you paint it lime green? mine is red, and i'm dying to know how to paint it! thanks! :)

32 Tracy said...

..and how did you make those labels on the clear shoe boxes??

33 MothyrGrimm said...

I just found your blog and I must say it's so adorable and I LOOOOVE your classroom! Me and the Hubbs were even just talking about moving to Bama! Can't wait to see more!

34 Kelli :) said...

Thanks for your sweet comments, ladies!

Jenny ~ The shelves that are low to the ground are shoe shelves from Target. They fit the clear shoe boxes perfectly! :)

Tracy ~ I am not sure where the easel is from. It was left in my classroom! Painting it was NOT EASY! My hubs about killed me!!! HA! He sanded it down and the put a sealer on it. Then, we put about 50 COATS of spray paint!!! We finally were just done with it because I knew no one would notice the little imperfections anymore! I think it might be easier to buy a cheaper wooden easel and then paint it! Sorry! :(
Yes, I did make the labels on the clear shoe boxes! It is a table in Word with Tinker Toy font. I printed it on card stock and then glued the rectangles onto zebra scrapbook paper. Hope this helps! :)

MothyrGrimm ~ Thanks for following! Alabama is a great place to live! My hubs and I moved to Birmingham from Atlanta a few years ago and really ilke it. It is not too big but has all of the conveniences of a big town...great restaurants, awesome shopping, a wonderful zoo, a good children's museum and hospital, etc. It is also only 4 hours from the beach and 2 hours from the mountains!!! :)

35 Tracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
36 Tracy said...

Thank you so much Kelli for all the info! You saved me a bunch of time, I really wanted mine to be lime green but thought it'd be such a pain to paint!! You're the best, and your classroom is so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see updated classroom photos!

Anonymous said...

What is the yellow border on your bulletin board?

Your room is unbelievable...thanks for sharing your talents.
Janie -Nashville

39 Kelly Smither said...

Very random...I'm looking for bigger baskets to hold my leveled readers...where did you find your baskets for leveled readers? I just can't seem to find the "right" size...

40 Kristen said...

Thanks for the inspiration!! Can you please share what the material is on top of your train table?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the classroom. Great Ideas!

Anonymous said...


Carla said...

I absolutely love your classroom! I especially love the reading hut! How did your husband make the reading hut? Also, where did you find the poles for the hut?

44 Mrs. Pollard said...

What a fun classroom! I did a zebra theme in my classroom last year. I loved it, but also love change so I'm going to do apples and polka dots next year!

I was wondering where you got your green library baskets. I'm doing a huge book overhaul in my room and need to find baskets!

Tales of a Teacherista

45 Unknown said...

I'm making my classroom jungle theme! Where do you find letters for the door and Good Work Spotted? Did you make them? I have found some 4 inches, and seen someone make letters from Scrapbook paper.

46 Nikita Soni said...

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