Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three for Thursday!

WOOHOO!!! TGIT my friends! We had our Parent Orientation tonight! It went really well and I have some super SWEET parents this year! I always feel a little better after Parent Night...I mean we have gotten through Meet the Teacher, the first day of school, the first day of all of our specials, and now Parent Night! I feel super accomplished! :)

Now, it's party time! Three for Thursday! I am BEYOND indecisive so this is pretty tough for me! :)

My favorite font ~
Doodle Tipsy
Be still my heart! I adore this font for firsties! Super presh!
I also LOVE CK Handprint, Smiley Monster, and Digs My Hart.

My Favorite Blog ~ HARD to choose! I really heart Kristin at The Teeny Tiny Teacher. She is so funny and REAL! The first blogs I ever read were The First Grade Parade and The Inspired Apple! Who doesn't ADORE Cara and Abby??!!?? :) They are such blog superstars!!

My Favorite Online Resource ~
This is a toughie! I am a Pinterest addict, of course! My most favorite resource, however, are YOUR blogs!!! :) I really adore reading all of your super creative ideas! Blogging makes teaching SO MUCH FUN!


1 Mrs. Scoma said...

I'm in love with your blog design!


2 Rachelle said...

AHHH! Pinterest is my new addiction for sure!

3 The First Grade Parade said...

Awww...sweet're too much!!! Love, love, LOVE your blog!!!! Thanks for linking up today!!

Cara :)

4 Kristin said...

Thank you for the shout out!!!!! :) :) :) You just made my day!
I'm so glad everything is behind you now and you can just get on with your year. That is how I feel, too. :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

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