Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Week of School!

Hey friends! This is our last week of first grade...only 2 more days with kiddos! :(

I don't really have anything earth shattering for ya! I am {patiently} waiting for Kristin to post the Bachelorette recap so I can read it out loud to my hubs! He thinks Kristin is hilarious! 

I am excited to be guest blogging for Crystal's classroom tour posts this week! Check out my classroom tour on Wednesday at Kreative in Kinder!

Here is a little note we sent home last week to get the firsties excited about the end of the year while we do all the boring teacher stuff {paperwork, purging, and organizing!} 

Tomorrow is all about taking down all the student work and sending their consumable things home! A tip for organizing ALL THE STUFF is to stop by your local grocery store and ask them to donate brown paper grocery bags! I write their names on the front of the bags and line them up along one wall in my classroom. Throughout the day, the kiddos will take their work, journals, supplies, etc to their bag. At the end of the day, I staple the top and send them on their merry way! After seven years, this is the easiest way I have found! :)

Have a great week! :) My next post will be in the summa, summa time!!!


1 smoran892 said...

Such a cute idea for the last week! I might steal some of those :)

T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

2 Lisa R. said...

I love the "First" acronym idea & activities! I think I may have to steal some of those too! :)

Learning Is Something to Treasure

3 Mrs. Lynes said...

We are down to two days of 2nd grade! I am excited, but will really miss this group!!!

I love the FIRST acronym! We have been doing a daily countdown of fun activities, but maybe next year we will have to do a SECOND acronym! :)

4   said...

You are so lucky to have only 2 more days! We still have 10 days. : (

I LOVE the First Acronym!I have to think of something unique like that to do in my class. Hmmm....what could I possibly do! I teach 3 grades reading only so I could maybe do something with READ. Thanks for the inspiration.

The Teacher's Backpack

5 Jessica Ann Stanford said...

2 more?! LUCKY!!!!!!


Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog is Having a Giveaway!
My TpT Store

6 Amy said...

Love the acronym. . . I have a combo this year, so not sure it will work. But sooooo cute! I use the paper bag idea each month too. At the end of the month I strip the walls of all their work and we go "around the world". At lunch I lay out their work and they go around the world collecting it. It is about 15 minutes of chaos - but then it is all done!

7 Unknown said...

I found you from Crystal's blog - your room is SERIOUSLY adorable!! I love love love it!! I'd love you to come check out my blog, too!
Rowdy in Room 300

8 Katie said...

The paper bag from grocery store is a great idea. I was actually just thinking I need to figure out how to get all this stuff home with my kids. We still have 9 days, but I'm slowly trying to take things down :/ such a long process!! Enjoy your last few days!

Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

9 Jill said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower, I blog at bubbalulu.blogspot.com come see me when you have a minute.

I love the brown paper bag idea, I usually buy big gift bags after Christmas for the students to haul their stuff in because of the handles.

Have a good one. One more day for me.

10 Unknown said...

I love it! Yesterday was our last day of school. I am pinning this to use next year.
TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

11 Miss Brynley said...

I'm a new blogger and your blog is cute, cute, cute!


12 Owl Things First said...

What a great idea for the last week of school. I'm down to two days and two balloons to pop with special activities for these last days. Today we had chocolate chip pancakes...Yum!
Your newest follower,

Owl Things First

13 Paper Bags said...

From where can i buy paper shopping bags in cheap rates?? paper shopping bags

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