Sunday, May 13, 2012

Summer Bucket List

Happy Sunday and Mother's Day to all you mamas out there! :) Hope you have a very special day!
My day is full of domestic bliss...laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping! We are recovering from a weekend in Nashville celebrating my sister's graduation from Vanderbilt. SO PROUD of her smart self! :)

I have been thinking about what to blog about...but quite honestly, all I can think about is SUMMER! So I was pumped to stumble upon Hadar, Teri, and April's Summer Bucket List linky party

Every summer, I make a to do list that focuses on one area of my house and one area of my classroom each week. I am a list kind of girl and I need this to stay motivated. 
Without this calendar, the days just might start to follow this pattern: cereal, Kardashians, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Ellen, and my self sitting on the couch when Mr. B gets home...OR it might look like this: Starbucks, Target, lunch with a friend, Macy's, home in time for Ellen. While I am all about those days...they need to be far and few between if I want to get things done! {The first kind of day because I just plain don't get around to much, and the second kind of day because I will spend all my money shopping and won't have any left to purchase craft supplies!}

Here are some things on my School Summer Bucket List:
~ Organize my small group lessons and books so they are ready to roll! 

~ Organize my monthly binders...I am wondering if I want to change from 2 inch monthly binders to 1/2 inch unit binders??? Only teachers would ponder this point for days....

~ Organize my Word Work and Listen to Reading materials in more Cubeicals {LOVE these!}
Click {here} for the rest of my classroom tour!

I want to change my behavior management that has both positive and negative reinforcement! LOVE 
Christie's model here:
Click {here} to visit Teaching in Flip Flops!

Here are some things on my Home Summer Bucket List

~ I am starting a new blog! It will be all about cooking and a little about crafting. I need a place to put all of my recipes that I can access from my iPad when I am cooking and menu planning! 

~ I want to learn more about embroidery and photography! I got an embroidery machine and a Canon Rebel T3i for Christmas and 5 months later I am still just winging it! Ready to spend some serious time playing with both! :)

I want to make some of these frames! I have a LOOONG back hallway and need to fill up the space!
Click {here} to visit Positively Splendid! 

I want to make no sew Roman shades for our master bathroom! 
Click {here} to visit the 365days2simplicity blog!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :)


1 Unknown said...

I love those frames. So adorable!

Swimming into Second

2 Katie said...

I love those cubbies! I really need to come up with some new ways to organize my reading area. It's fairly organizes... but so not cute :/

Dirty Hands Lesson Plans

3 Miss Kindergarten said...

Love your list! The little cubicles are adorable! Thanks for joining our party :)


4 Mrs. H. said...

Great To-Do List! I switched to one inch binders and love them! And, I've been learning to use my embroidery maching since last August--let me know if you need any has been my lifesaver!
Once Upon A First Grade Adventure

5 Cupcake said...

I'm doing the clip chart next year too!!! And I love, love those cubicles!!! Thank you for joining our party! ;)
A Cupcake for the Teacher

6 Mrs. Wathen said...

Thanks for sharing and including the link to a class tour! Your room is fabulous:) I am your newest follower!


7 Kristen said...

I love your list! I would LOVE to try those shades, so awesome!

8 Miss DeCarbo said...

Cute cubbies! Love how colorful they are!

Second Grade Sugar and Spice

9 Unknown said...

Awesome frames and cubbies. I am a new follower of yours ;) Have an amazing summer.

10 Rebecca said...

Great list! Hope you have a super summer and get your bucket list knocked out! I have my bucket list ready so come by when you can!

Summer Dreamin',

11 Kelli said...

I really enjoyed the virtual tour of your room! Great ideas!

Tales From a Traveling Teacher

12 Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

LOL! I too have been contemplating 2" or 1/2" binders! Any ideas yet??? Maybe if you decide, I can just "follow"!

Think, Wonder, & Teach

13 Keeping it Captivating said...

Love those roman shades! Picking out the fabric will be the hardest part.

Keeping it Captivating

14 Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your summer bucket list! I am definitely adding those no sew Roman shades to my at home list too!! ~Heidi V.

15 Christie said...

Hey Kelli!
I love those cubicals! Wish I could redo my whole classroom with them! {LOVE LOVE your blog!!!}
Christie :)
First Grade Fever

16 lisa said...

Microsoft Office is the productivity suite used for homes and offices and developed by Microsoft. is useful for all the organization as it includes the desktop applications like MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook etc.

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