Monday, October 15, 2012

Math Work Stations

Hey, y'all! Hope you had a fun fall weekend and a painless Monday! :)

This summer, I was on the fence about my Math I stay with Math Daily Five or do I switch to Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations???????? I seriously couldn't make a decision! I think both have great qualities! BUT...I decided to make the switch and I am LOVING it! I wanted to devote a post to some of things I am liking about Math Work Stations my first year of implementation. 

Some things I am really hearting about Math Work Stations...

I found these tubs at Walmart this summer and I ADORE them! First of all, they are PINK! :) I wanted a lid so that everything wouldn't fall out! My firsties can easily open and close the handles. They are also big enough to fit larger items! They fit the big die I use for Roll and Graphs, as well as big game boxes!

I like that there is no idle time! There is a sense of urgency for the kiddos to complete their first task so that they can make another choice from the tub! I display a flipchart during Work Stations that says what each tub starts with. Once the kiddos have completed the activity or one round of a game, they can then choose another activity from the tub. I keep previous games in the tubs that they can play all year long! 

With Math Daily Five, I liked that the kiddos chose their activity each day. Even though I tell the kiddos which tub they go to each day, there is an element of choice in the activities they do in each tub. It is also a lot more organized! They know which activity they start with and then they know the activities they can choose from afterwards! 

I have 19 students, so I have 9 tubs {8 groups of  2 and 1 group of 3}. My kiddos visit one tub a day, so it takes about 2 weeks to rotate through all 9 tubs. I wish they could visit 2 tubs a day, but for now, by the time calendar and our mini lesson is over, we have about 20 minutes for tubs. It takes us about 2 - 3 minutes to get settled, about 15 minutes of tub time, and about 2 -3 minutes of clean up.  I structure my tubs like this:

Tub 1 ~ Number Work 
Tub 2 ~ Game 
Tub 3 ~ Fact Fluency 
Tub 4 ~ Data
Tub 5 ~ Number Work
Tub 6 ~ Game
Tub 7 ~ Fact Fluency
Tub 8 ~ iPad
Tub 9 ~ Computers

Number Work is basically an activity with a recording sheet and manipulatives. I use these recording sheets as work samples and documentation. Fact Fluency is addition/subtraction activities all year long!  Data will also be an activity all year long--think class graphs or activities like Roll and Graph!

Here is a copy of the planning sheet I use! Click on the pic below to download a few versions from GoogleDocs.

I went to a conference a few years ago and the speaker told us not to wait until next year to make a change! You can make a change any day if it is what's best for your kiddos! So...if you didn't take the plunge to do Work Stations this summer...DO IT! Maybe start tucking things away, buying your tubs, etc and start in the new year in Janaury! It really is SO doable! 

Click on the pictures below to check out some of my freebies on TpT that are perfect for 
Math Work Stations! 

Have a fab week! :)


1 Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing how you organize your Math Centers!

2 Amanda said...

I am so glad you shared this. I plan on starting math stations with my little kindergarten friends this week. I am going to have to find me some tubs like those.....Walmart here I come! :)

Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

3 ♥ S. said...

Thank you so much for sharing how you organize your Math Stations! I am wanting to implement some stations for my firsties to do during our mandated "flex" time...while I am meeting with students in essential "guided math groups". I have been undecided on which discipline to follow: Daily 5, Debbie Diller, make it up as I go (lol)...

I really appreciate you taking the time to share! And, I now want to go to Walmart and see if I can find those pink tubs! hehe

First Class First Grade

4 ♥ S. said...

Also, I hope you don't mind...but in my most recent post, I talk about my giant crush on math stations right now, and I linked back to this post of yours...because I love your tubs and your organization! If it's a problem, I don't mind taking it down...but just wanted to let you know! =) Thanks, again, for sharing!

♥ Sarah
First Class First Grade

5 Bren P. said...

I am currently reading Daily 5 and Math Work Stations is next on my list. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your planning sheets.
I just started a blog, stop by some time. :)

The Teacher Diaries

6 Deanna said...

Thank you, Thank you, thank you!!! I have been struggling with figuring this out. After seeing and reading how you do it, I think I will be able to get this going soon!!
Thanks again.
Think all night…..Teach all day

7 Unknown said...

Awesome post! I feel that I am so struggling in Math and want to do better! I so need a workshop on this. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
Crazy About First Grade

8 Puddiesmom said...

Thank you so much for sharing. I read the book this summer and decided to begin with Language Arts. Now, I am thinking I can start my math stations after the winter break. Thank you!

9 Dawn said...

I just have to ask, what math program do you use to teach and how long do you have to teach it each day? We are using Go Math. It aligns with Common Core Standards, so it's tough. Our math block is about 55 minutes. After calendar time, I'm struggling to make sure I've taught the skill so that my students understand what they're doing.

10 Unknown said...

Hey Kelli!
You've been Boo-ed! Head over to my blog to link up and join the party!
Lovely Nina

Lovely Little Learners

11 Sheree Peterson said...

I switched to Math Stations at the beginning of last year. Gotta say I LOVE IT! Thanks for the freebies. Love the S'mores.

12 Julie DiBenedetto said...

Hi Kelli!
I have just checked out the Debbie D. Math book and hope to get it read, and ready to implement over Christmas Break. Your tub organization is GREAT so thanks for sharing and allowing me to "borrow" your awesome ideas! I think Debbie's objectives are perfect for firsties, and although I am a HUGE Daily 5/Cafe fan, I also choose this for Math!
Thanks again for sharing!

Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

13 Unknown said...

As your newest follower and fellow blogger, I just want to say thank you for countless hours of fantastic blog reading(stalking)! I enjoy your posts very much!
Hop on over, I'd love it if you did!

14 abqgreene said...

These are great! I am just ready to add some extras to my stations, so I will be running the printer and laminator tomorrow. I have started a blog myself. I'd love if you stop by some time.


15 Mona said...

Hi Kelli!

I am so glad I saw your post. I am in the process of purchasing the book and am going to start putting stations together. I know it will take a while to start implementing it, but your ideas are going to help me with the organization. Thanks!

First Grade Schoolhouse

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your organizational ideas for your math tubs. I don't use math tubs currently, but it has been something that I have been thinking about for some time now. Your plan seems simple and easy enough! I love Debbie Diller's book, it is a great resource for all teachers to have regardless of whether or not they use math tubs.

An Apple a Day in First Grade

17 First Grade and Fearless said...

Thank you for the organization ideas. I'm wanting to start workstations but finding a time fitting it into the schedule given us. I can see a way with this post. Thanks!
First Grade and Fearless

18 Haley said...

Thanks for these freebies!!!!

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