Hey friends! This is our last week of first grade...only 2 more days with kiddos! :(
I don't really have anything earth shattering for ya! I am {patiently} waiting for Kristin to post the Bachelorette recap so I can read it out loud to my hubs! He thinks Kristin is hilarious!
I am excited to be guest blogging for Crystal's classroom tour posts this week! Check out my classroom tour on Wednesday at Kreative in Kinder!
I am excited to be guest blogging for Crystal's classroom tour posts this week! Check out my classroom tour on Wednesday at Kreative in Kinder!
Here is a little note we sent home last week to get the firsties excited about the end of the year while we do all the boring teacher stuff {paperwork, purging, and organizing!}
Tomorrow is all about taking down all the student work and sending their consumable things home! A tip for organizing ALL THE STUFF is to stop by your local grocery store and ask them to donate brown paper grocery bags! I write their names on the front of the bags and line them up along one wall in my classroom. Throughout the day, the kiddos will take their work, journals, supplies, etc to their bag. At the end of the day, I staple the top and send them on their merry way! After seven years, this is the easiest way I have found! :)
Have a great week! :) My next post will be in the summa, summa time!!!