Mountain Math is a review program to supplement math instruction. Click HERE to visit their website! It helps the students review and retain previously taught concepts. It is displayed on a bulletin board in my classroom. It reviews everything from addition to subtraction, time to graphing, money to geometry! The bulletin board version is $75.95. My school opted to purchase Bulletin Board sets for K - 3rd grade.

There is also a web based version to be used with interactive white boards and projectors. The cost of the electronic version is $49.95 for a 12 month subscription. I chose to not use the e-version for 2 reasons: there is a cost every school year AND if it is displayed on the board during Math Menu, other students can't play interactive, web based games or look to the Promethean Board flipchart calendar as a reference for their activities.

Another option is the center version. It is on a big flip chart, which might come in handy for those without a lot of wall space! The center version costs $75.95.

There is a bit of initial investment up front, but you can use the bulletin board and center versions for YEARS!!! My team and I decided that we will change the cards every week in first grade. We figured it would take our firsties 2 - 12 minute sessions to finish the whole board.
There is a recording sheet included in the Bulletin Board version. When a student chooses Mountain Math as their station in Math Menu, they will get a recording sheet from the designated basket, grab a clipboard and find a comfy spot in the room from which they can see the Mountain Math board. My Mountain Math board is to come soon! my kiddos will be able to see it from everywhere in our room! If they do not finish it during their session, they will put it into their Math Menu folder (where they store unfinished work from Number Work or Mountain Math). If they finish, they will place it in the completed work basket.
Mountain Math is a FAB way to ensure that you spiral through your curriculum so that your firsties are retaining all mathematical concepts from the year!
Please ask questions, or make comments!
Coming soon...Math Journals!
I am so glad you are going over this program. I wasn't sure which set to get: the bulletin board or the center version. I can't wait to see your bulletin board, so I can see if I have enough space on my walls.
Thank you so much for sharing.
I loooooooooove Mountain Math so much! When I was student teaching, I observed a fourth grade class who used Mountain Language and the kids responded to it really well! It is definitely on my "I want this" list. :)
Marvelous Multiagers!
Andi ~ If I had a choice, I DEF would've gotten the center version! You can set it out when it is being used, and tuck it away when not in use! :)
Jill ~ Ha...I have A LOT on my "I want this" seems to grow every day! :)
My previous school did Mountain Math and I loved it! Not sure if my new school has it or not. Too bad I couldn't take my set with me.
Kinder Kraziness
We bought the online version last year, and I really enjoyed it. It is a great review!
My chart just came in the mail. I've moved up to 3rd grade from K and needed a quick center. I'm trying to make Math Stations work in 3rd so I hope this helps. It's a little different in 3rd - very fast pace!
What are your "dos and don'ts" for this product?
Thanks for sharing about this. We have the mountain math as well and I love it! I like how you use it as a station. I think I will try that as well. Thanks for the idea
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