Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Bulletin Board :)

Happy Thursday...the last one before Thanksgiving! YAY! I am super thankful for our DELISH Thanksgiving lunch feast today! We are blessed with an amazing lunchroom staff. Seriously, I want to ask them for their recipes on multiple occasions! Their sweet potato casserole is to die for! :)

This year, my Thanksgiving hallway crafts came from 2 of my fave bloggers!

First shout out is to Hadar {Miss Kindergarten}
We made these pies the very next day after she posted this cutie! I ADORE the saying...'First Grade is As Sweet As Pie'! Super easy and precious...the perfect Thanksgiving craft! :)

 I have recently gotten a few questions about the ruffle border! This idea is from one of my former co workers! She had this cuteness everywhere and I made her do a demo for me! :) It is hard to explain, but you cut strips of butcher paper about 4 inches wide {it doesn't matter how long the strips are}. Then, you hold the paper with both hands and scrunch it up using your pointer fingers and thumbs. Great description, huh?!?! :) The best part about the ruffle border is that it doesn't have to be perfect!!

I found this cute little number last year and this was my second year making it! Ridiculously adorable...

Click {HERE} to head to the blog post to grab the patterns! 

If you have a few extra minutes {HA- funny, right???!!} over the next few days, The Legend of the Five Corn Kernels is a super quick, but impressionable, lesson. You can click on the pic below to snag it for free from TpT.

Have a great rest of the week! :)


Miss Kindergarten said...

The pies turned out absolutely adorable!!! Thanks for sharing them on your blog :)

Mrs. W said...

what the heck is the name of the font you used on your bulletin board? I have been trying and trying to find out what it is!!! I love it and want to have it for my very own. :)

Kelli :) said...

It is MTF Jumpin Jack! Here is the link:

Thanks for reading! :)
Kelli :)

Mrs. W said...

Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Cupcake said...

I love your boards!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher

Rachelle said...

SO SO SO CUTE!!!! Love it!
What The Teacher Wants

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find The Legend of the Five Corn Kernels story on your TPT website.

Anonymous said...

I cant get to the legend can you send me it?

Unknown said...

I also am looking for your link to the legend of the five corn kernels.
thank you!

Erin Z-R said...

Legend of the Five Corn Kernels-where can I find this (

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find the Legend of the Five Corn Kernels? The link does not take you to the lesson!

Erica Lucas said...

Hi, this link goes to your TpT but not to this resource. I searched your TpT but no result. Can you share a new link?

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