Hey y'all! Hope everyone's summer is off to a great start! And for those of you still in school, bless you! The end is near!
I am so excited to kick off this new series!
Join me this summer as I dive {sorry, couldn't help myself} into our school day! We will go minute by minute, hour by hour, and discuss every little aspect of the day in my classroom...and yours...if you join me in the linky! It is almost like we can BE in each other's rooms...but without the hassle of sub plans and road trips! I can't wait to hear about how everyone's day flows and to hear your tips and tricks along the way!
I will post each linky on Monday for the week!
Please link up below to spread the word and let your readers know all about it! :)
Oh - and I am going to link up first to test the link! Hahaha!
Oh - and I am going to link up first to test the link! Hahaha!
Hey, Kelli! First, I was checking to see of you got my email earlier this week. I'm hoping to start my giveaway soon:) Second, did I miss a week of this AWESOME linky? It looks like you started Monday the 3rd on your schedule, but I couldn't find the post. I would absolutely love to link up if it's not too late! Sounds like a genius idea!
<a href="http://sweetschoolmoments.blogspot.com>SynonymRolls&AntonymMoments</a>
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