Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blend and Digraph Chart

I am back with another freebie for all of my FABULOUS FOLLOWERS! I just can't believe it! I love blogging!!! :)

This Blend and Digraph chart is similar to the Alphabet Chart but is better suited for firsties or for Kinders after Christmas!

Click here to grab it from my TpT store!

Just a reminder that there is still time to enter my giveaway for a $15 Target gift card! Click here to enter! :)


Anonymous said...

You're amazing!

2 Brittany said...

Love it! This will definitely be going into my literacy centers! Thanks for sharing!

3 Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
4 Jennifer said...

I love this!! Thanks for sharing it!

❤ Jen

Kindergarten Klassroom

5 Jonelle Bell said...

Thanks for the freebie!
A Place Called Kindergarten

6 Sandra Guntorius said...

I am a new follower and just love your blog. Thank you for this freebie.

7 Sharmane said...

Thank you so much for sharing, its saved me a ton of time and effort!

8 love bug momma said...

I followed another blog here referring to these charts, but the link isn't taking me anywhere? Could I get a copy... I'm trying to work with my kids closer. Thanks!

9 Hardeep said...

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