Monday, July 11, 2011

Read to Someone - The Daily Five

Hope you all had a marvelous Monday! I met with some teacher friends to watch The Bachelorette tonight...LOVED seeing the girls (and chowing on some YUM dips!) Anyone else LOVE Bachelorette??? L.O.V.E. JP...and I am almost positive he will be engaged to Ashley! :)

Next up in The Daily Five ...Read to Someone.

I am going to repeat myself for the THIRD time (just in case someone reads this post that hasn't read the others before) and remind you that all of the introductory D5 lessons follow the same format:

Step 1 - Brainstorm what Read to Someone should look like and sound like
Step 2 - Make an anchor chart (students will read quietly...teachers will work with students)
Step 3 - Discuss where materials are stored and how to use them
Step 4 - Discuss where and HOW (EEKK) to sit in the room (add to anchor chart)
Step 5 - Have students model the correct AND incorrect procedures to get materials, where to sit, how to clean up). This is SUCH an important and powerful step!
Step 6 - Add a few minutes to stamina each day.

I think that Read to Someone requires the MOST modeling and practice of all of the D5 stations! It is so important to have students (who may have an issue doing this correctly in the future) model the WRONG way to Read to Someone. It is so powerful for the kiddos to SEE the correct and incorrect procedures. This station has a little more temptation since they are with a friend! :) We practice how to sit EEKK - elbow to elbow, knee to knee! I also teach my kiddos how to partner read a page, I read a page. I DO NOT teach my firsties how to read different books...this is their chance to read together and learn from each other! :)

The first day, students will Read to Someone for about 1- 2 minutes. Every day, add 1 to 2 minutes to their stamina.

My kiddos actually Read to Someone during 2 different parts of D5. After our whole group phonemic awareness and explicit phonics lesson, my kiddos split into 2 groups. One group stays with me on the carpet and we use the I Do, We Do, You Do model to read, spell, and write words and sentences in our phonics notebooks. The other group reads decodable books (with our phonics focus for the week) with a buddy. Then we switch! :) This allows me to give each student a little more attention! :) I differentiate the words, so that my higher students are extended and my lower kiddos get the reinforcement they need! :) All of my kiddos Read to Someone during our phonics block.

Then, after PE we begin our mini lessons and work sessions for D5. During these sessions, the students may choose Read to Someone. During this time, the kiddos may choose to read big books or from our poetry binder (we add one new poem each week and I add a copy of the poem to our class binder)! I switch out the pointers they can use at this station...candy canes at Christmas, feathers at Thanksgiving, to keep it fresh!

Please ask questions or make comments! :)

Up fave...WORD WORK!


1 Thinking in Primary said...

I love that you are doing this! It is so helpful for a D5 newbie like myself to get another point of view. So Thank You very much!


Camp Kindergarten

2 Melissa Williams said...

I agree with Jody that this is so very helpful! I'm bookmarking! Thanks so much!

First Grade Frame of Mind

3 Kristin said...

I'm really interested in the Daily 5 and this is really helping. I'm curious: does your school mandate this? Is it a choice? We don't have this at my school and our Language Arts block is "sacred" for the first hour and 45 minutes using our Houghton Mifflin curriculum. Surely I can incorporate this????
Also, I want it to be JP too! He's the cutest one and I really like him. :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher (if you can answer some of my questions)

4 alexa said...

Kelli, I am loving all of your posts...very helpful :) thanks a lot! Are you going to tell us all about your math menu too :D, can't wait!

5 Kelli :) said...

Jody and meesabelle ~ Thanks for your sweet words! :)

Kristin ~ Our reading coach chose first grade to start Daily Five at our school! We read the book last summer, met with our RC to go over everything and we started in August. Now, other grade levels are starting this year! So, I guess you could say it is strongly encouraged! ;) I think you could incorporate your Houghton Mifflin curriculum into your mini lessons and Word Work! Girl, I LOVE JP! :)

Alexa ~ Thanks! Yes, I am going to blog about Math Menu once I am finished with Daily Five posts! Almost there...just 2 more D5 posts and then Math Menu! :)

Yearn to Learn ~ Thank you so much! :)

6 Sarah said...

I love JP as well! I hope she pics him! Soooo cute and genuine!!!

Thank you for all this Daily 5 stuff! I am really getting into and becoming inspired for the new school year!

Fantastic 1st Grade

7 Lisa Sharp said...

Hi there do you have the Daily 5 discription all together that I can download? Also, are there small posters you use, what does your chart look like with these 5 components? So many questions, somuch to do. I really want to implement the Daily 5 this year!
Lisa Sharp Tickled Pink 4 First Grade!

8 James said...

thanks for this amazing discussion. Dear White People Thane Lockwood Two Tone Jacket

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