Saturday, July 23, 2011

Giveaway Winners!

Yay for Kristin, Jennifer, and Karen! :) You will receive your goodies through email! :) Karen, please comment with your email address! Thank you so much for your support, blog buds!!!


1 Karen Stamp said...

OOOOHHH!!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I am so excited!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

2 Unknown said...

Yeah!! I'm a winner!!
Thanks so much!!
First Grade Blue SKies

3 Kelli :) said...

You are SO welcome!!! :) I just emailed you ladies!

4 Kristin said...

Holy cow! This is the first time I've won a blog thing!!! I am so happy it was with you!!!!! :) Hooray! Thank you so much!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

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