Sunday, July 3, 2011

Daily Schedule

Ugh...I was trying to upload to TpT...but it must be down! :( Sooo...instead I will post about my daily schedule! When TpT is back up, I will post Alphabet Wall cards!

I ADORED our schedule last year (with a few minor tweaks) and hope it stays the same this year!

7:45 - 8:00 Morning Work (Attendance and Lunch Choice)
8:00 - 8:15 Morning Meeting
8:15 - 8:55 The Daily Five - Session 1 (Phonics mini lesson)
9:00 - 9:30 PE
9:30 - 9:40 Snack
9:40 - 10:10 The Daily Five Session 2 (Writing mini lesson)
10:10 - 10:40 The Daily Five Session 3 (Read aloud)
10:40 - 11:10 The Daily Five Session 4 (Reading Comprehension mini lesson)
11:10 - 11:40 Lunch
11:40 - 12:00 Calendar, Number Talk, Daily Data
12:05 - 12:50 Specials
12:50 - 1:30 Math Menu
1:30 - 2:00 Social Studies and Science thematic unit
2:00 - 2:10 Pack up and clean up
2:10 - 2:30 Recess
2:35 Dimissal

My next few posts will go into detail about my Morning Work, The Daily Five and Math Menu. I will probably say this at least 100 times...but I. LOVE. DAILY. FIVE! I love it so much that we adapted it to our math block and call it Math Menu (there are other Math Menus out there, but we picked the name 'menu' because the kiddos get to choose their choice) ! It changed the way I approach centers and I love how independent my firsties were!

Who else out there in blog land does The Daily Five???


1 Teaching with Grace said...

My Kindergarten team and I are going to be trying out the Daily 5 this year. I can't wait to see how it goes!!

2 Kelli :) said...

You will love it, pennies for luck! I used to teach Kindergarten, but looped up to first last year! I am going to help my Kindergarten team get started with D5 this year! I will pass on info as it goes along! :) Happy 4th!!

3 Brittany said...

I will be doing the Daily 5 this coming fall for the first time, so I am looking for lots of ideas!

4 Jessica said...

I have been interested in incorporating the Daily 5 in my classroom, but not sure where to start! Any suggestions?

5 Unknown said...

I would love to incorporate it, too...but with ARI and our getting a new ("research based") reading series...I just don't know where I would fit it in. Each and every minute of the two hour reading block is basically spoken for and we're supposed to use the basal...ugh. Do you guys do small groups and intervention? It is mandatory here in Blount County....

6 Kelli :) said...

Brittany ~ You will love it! I will post about it in more detail very soon!

Jessica ~ You are probably doing a lot of D5 stuff is just a different way to structure centers, etc! :)

Jennifer ~ Yes, we do small groups and intervention daily! I pull the small groups while the students are working on their Daily Five choices. We have a little bit more freedom with the basal! It is hard to fit everything in, but D5 makes it easier!

7 LjP said...

D5 is great! And you can adapt it to your basal. I use the basal with it- we do mini lessons on the weekly phonics and grammar lessons. We read the story of the week in small groups and I use the leveled readers with my different strategy groups. It can be done :)

8 Maureen said...

Ever since joining the blog-world a few months ago - I keep reading about the Daily 5. I'm really interested to learn more about it. I've seen the book...would you recommend it?


The First Grade Splash

9 Lauren Blackmon said...

I love the daily 5! I just got the cafe book today because my school is sending me to the two sisters conference in Chicago this October!!!! I am pretty excited. I love you r blog and just joined. Very cute. I'm new to blogging too. Come follow me and share.

10 Melissa Williams said...

What you are doing with sharing your D5 as a series here is awesome and I'm sharing a link from my blog!
First Grade Frame of Mind

11 Kelli :) said...

Thank you so much, meesabelle! :)

12 Unknown said...

I've heard a lot of good things about the Daily 5, but I will be teaching first grade for the first time this year and would love to give it a try!

I also like that you call your math time 'Math Menu,' that is awesome that you let the kids choose!

Would you mind telling me more about the Math Menu??

13 kimcollatos said...

I would also be interested in learning more about Math Menu please :)

14 Kelli :) said...

Lauren and Kim ~ I will be posting about Math Menu this week! :)

15 ellen said...

I love all of your posts re: the D5 ! this will be my 3rd year to do it and I love the review and tips you include. Could you go into detail about your Math Menu? I have read Debbie Dillers Math Stations and am trying to grasp how I am going to do this? thanks so

16 Dr. Melissa said...

I am returning to teaching kindergarten this fall after 10 years of teaching other grades and teacher coaching. I plan to use the Daily 5 and am looking forward to getting ideas from your blog.

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