Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coming Soon…

Happy Hump Day!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is me laughing my booty off at Modern Family tonight! I am not an original fan…after repeated texts EVERY Wednesday from my mom {Are you watching Modern Family? It is REALLY funny!} I finally tuned in last spring. This is hilarious stuff, people! One of my new faves!


Alicia, over at Dreamlike Magic, will be adding pages to my blog in the next few days! I love the blog format, but felt like ideas were getting buried under blog post after blog post. I know you can find it in the sidebar…but still! During my easy breezy summer days, I LOVED scrolling through blog after blog, post after post,  bookmarking and making notes about lots of fun ideas! But now that the school year is in full swing, I am looking for specific ideas and printables for what I am currently teaching or about to teach, ya know??? I will have pages for The Daily Five, Phonics, Math, Writing, and Thematic units! I hope this saves you some time as you search for exactly what you need! Stay tuned! :)


Rachel Griswold said...

I just found your blog last night and I love it already! I am a senior at The University of Alabama and JUST changed my major from marketing to elementary education [literally on Tuesday!]. I know it's a huge change, but looking at your and other teacher's blogs makes me so excited and I know I made the right choice!

2 Chrissy said...

Hi! I passed the Versatile Blogger Award your way :-)
You have probably received it already, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

I love your new format! It does get a bit overwhelming looking at all of the posts. I am considering making a change myself. Can I ask you a couple of questions? So, when you you just assign it to a page? Are you liking the new format?
Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

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