Monday, September 12, 2011

Peek at Our Week

Happy Monday, blog buddies! I had a MARVELOUS Monday…my kiddos were so sweet and ready to learn! I seriously ADORE my class! I was *secretly* QUITE nervous about my class this year, since I had the same class for the past two years (I looped from Kindergarten to the love of my life, FIRST GRADE!). But, I have fallen head over HEELS for this awesome group of 21 kiddos! :)

Here is what we’ll be up to this week:

Phonics: short vowel /o/

*If you have already launched Word Work and are feeling crafty, check out this PRESH short vowel /o/ word sort from sweet Sarah at First Grader…at Last!

Writing: Word Webs

*Click here for a blank Word Web to use for whole group modeling or individual writing!

Math: Addition Strategies – Doubles

*Click here to download a great Power Point presentation of a Doubles Rap! After we “rap” (HAHAHA!!) I have the students fill in the sum on this fill in the blank Doubles Rap.

Social Studies: School and Community Leaders

*Click here to download a book I made, First Grader, First Grader, Who Do You See? It is in a Word document so you can change it to fit your school and classroom as needed. I used Tinker Toy and Doodle Tipsy fonts. There are 7 pages in the book~

{Page 1} Cover page

{Page 2} principal

{Page 3} teacher

{Page 4} school nurse

{Page 5} mayor

{Page 6} fire fighter (the blank is for the name of your city and firefighter…example Birmingham fire fighter)

{Page 7} police officer

*Click here to download a poem, Helping Hands. I found it online many years ago (HA – this is only my seventh year of teaching, so I would venture to say 7 years ago!) and retyped it to look like our poems.

This is my first time using Scribd…I have a love/hate (more hate) relationship with Google Docs. Let me know if it works and there is something you can use in your classroom! :)

Have a FAB week! :)


1 Unknown said...

Look at you, all organized and stuff! I'm totally jealous!! Everything looks great.

How does the jingle to the rap go? I've only heard one teacher sing it and she was awful, but now I can only hear her version in my head. I'm hoping there's a better way to sing it out there!

Anonymous said...

Andi ~ Thanks girl!! :)
I googled and found this video...the kiddos aren't wild about it, but you can get the gist of the tune!

Sooo...I love that my profile won't let me comment on my own blog! Anyone else having this problem???

3 Brittany said...

This is great stuff! Love the Doubles Rap fill in the blank and the Word Web. I'm a huge fan of Scribd, and I think that you will love it too! Thanks for sharing!
A Day in First Grade

4 Unknown said...

Thanks for the Rap link. I'll definitely give it a try, despite my poor, poor, poor singing {and by extension - rapping} voice. I haven't tried Scribd, but I'll give it a try because Google docs hates me!

5 Amanda said...

I like you Helping Hands poem! It goes great with our Community Helper unit! :)

First Grade Garden

6 Jennifer said...

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