Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dinosaurs Galore!

Hey, hey! We have made it 20 days! GO US! :)
This week, our science unit is Dinosaurs and Extinct Animals...such a FUN unit! I wanted to share a quick craftivity (thank you for that fantastic word,
Cara!!) with you...PLAYDOUGH FOSSILS!

Materials needed:
paper plates
Rotini pasta

Before starting, write the kiddos names around the paper plate. I figured out the HARD way last year that you can't really write their name on the bottom of the paper plate with the greasy Playdough seeping through!!! :)

Give students a baggie filled with rotini pasta. Let them crush it up! They can smash it on the table or stomp on it!!! This MIGHT be their favorite craftivity all year!

Once they have their pasta (bones!!!!) crushed up, they can spread out their playdough in a circle on the center of the paper plate. They can arrange the pasta in whatever shape they want. Some of my super creative kiddos did an intricate dinosaur footprint...others did their initials, some did a handprint...WHATEVS! They turn out super cute! :)

Thank you SO MUCH to Mel, Kristin, Christie, and Jennifer for nominating Castles and Crayons in their Top 10 blogs! What an honor! Go check these fab ladies' blogs out...NOW!

A Teeny Tiny Teacher


1 Caroline Brantley said...

sound precious! Do you have any pics of the finished product?

Anonymous said...

Great ideas! My students love dinosaurs and just can not seem to get enough. I can't wait to get them some hands off things to do.

3 Kim and Scott said...

Oh, Happy Day! I just wanted to let you know that I have chosen you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Stop by my blog to check it out!

Kim from:

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