Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wild About Writing {Writing Folders}

TGI-almost-F, friends!!! Super excited for a fun fall football weekend! :)

One of my main goals for this year is organizing our writing curriculum {the other being making more math games}! I used to {gasp!} dread teaching writing in Kinder. It was my least favorite time of day! How many times did I hear, “How do you spell {insert ANY word here}. I loved the hilarious phonetic spelling, but even that wasn’t looking pretty until about December-ISH! BUT…since moving to first, writing has become my FAVORITE thing to teach! I ADORE their precious, creative writing! AND all of your fab blogs have been so inspiring! :) Thank you for helping me to LOVE teaching writing again!

Our first unit in August is a review of the Craft of Drawing I used to teach in Kinder. It reminds kiddos to use ovals to draw people and to add details to make their illustrations more interesting.

In September, our unit is The Writer’s Way. A lot of my ideas came from the cutey Cara at The First Grade Parade. Click {here} to read all about her Writing Workshop launch!

I ADORE her idea to use Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type to introduce WHY writer’s write. We focus on this for the first week. The next week, we go into HOW writer’s write…lists, thank you notes. Each day I model writing a different list {grocery list, packing list, school supply list, and a birthday present list}. The third week, we worked on generating topics through writing our own Word Webs. We made Word Webs about fall, the playground, going to the movies, and the beach {AAHH!} The last week I borrowed another idea from Cara! We made our heart maps…PRECIOUS! I just can’t stand it! They turned out beyond cute! I have already said a few times, “Look inside your heart and find something you love to write about!” Could you DIE???? :)

Click below to download some freebies to use with your Writer’s Way unit:

{List writing paper}

{Word Web}

{Heart Map}

Here are some pics of our Writing Folders. LOVE the Author at Work graphic from the Scrappin Doodles Writing Kids set!


Inside the folder, I put an Alphabet Chart {a free download at TpT} and their Heart Map.

alphabet chart photo3

The left pocket is for finished work and the right pocket is for unfinished work.

photo4 photo5

Coming soon…our next writing unit for October ~ Super Sentences! Enjoy your weekend! :)


Barbara L said...

Thanks for sharing. I need a boost in this area this year :)

Grade ONEderful

❋Karen❋ said...

Teaching writing has never been a strong area for me, now I have a starting point! Thank you, thank you!

Ali said...

Thanks for sharing your lists!! I love adding things to work on writing. I love your labels for the front of the folders and for finished/unfinished writing....right now I am only using green and red dots! Would you be willing to share those? They are so cute! If you can't, I understand...with all the new licensing issues it makes it hard!



Barbara L said...

Hi Mrs. B.,
I’ve nominated your blog for an award! Visit the link below to copy/paste the Blog on Fire button. Share seven things about yourself and pass the award along to some "hot" blogs you follow. Congrats and Happy October!
Grade ONEderful

Amanda said...

I'm with Barbara from the above comment... I've also got you on my fabulous blog list! Here's the Versatile Blogger Award x2! Cheers!

First Grade Garden

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