Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 11

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

my favorite cookie recipes! :)

I. LOVE. CHRISTMAS. COOKIES! I mean…who doesn’t??? But no, seriously…I love cookies…chocolate ones, minty ones, vanilla ones! I have only met tried VERY FEW (like one, maybe two) kinds of cookies I didn’t like!

Here are a few that made the cut for my sis and I’s Christmas Cookie Bake Off this year:

Brownie Covered Oreos


Did you hear me??????? Brownies. Oreos. Two of my favorite things. Combined…RIDICULOUS! The red centers are just perfect! These are super fun to decorate!

Chocolate Gooey Butter Cookies


“If the word “butter” is in the title, you know it’s gonna be good!” Well said, Paula Deen! I ADORE HER! She is the ULTIMATE Southern cook! I know this first hand…she helped me gain 15 pounds the first year I was married because I made so many of her casseroles…I was trying to be a good wifey! :) These cookies are super yum!

Ginger Cookies

Another goodie from Paula! These are my hubby’s fave! I roll them in green or red sugar to make them festive! Your kitchen will smell divine!

If you are out of school, make these now! If you are still in school for the next few days, then make them when you get home…they will make you feel better!

For some more ideas, check out my Christmas Cookie Pinterest board!

Merry Christmas!


1 Hope King said...

Can't believe I am saying this...but I just stumbled upon your blog and can I just say it is full of cuteness! Can't wait to read more and try some of these recipes! Happy Holidays!

Hope King

2 website said...

I LOVE the idea. It is good stuff really like it! Thanks for sharing with us.

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