Thursday, December 8, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 4 and a Giveaway!

On the fourth day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

a giveaway AND a Cookie Comparison activity! :)

This printable is just perfect to compare all of the AMAZING versions of The Gingerbread Man. Some of my faves include The Gingerbread Cowboy, The Gingerbread Girl, and The Gingerbread Pirates! I can’t wait to read the brand spanking new The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers I scored at the Book Fair last month!!!

Please click {HERE} to download a copy for FREE! I am OBSESSED with the ginger this season!  Stay tuned for a non holiday freebie coming soon on Day 6! *Please pass this on to a friend if you can’t use it in your classroom! The more, the merrier! :)* Please follow or leave a comment if you download!


It’s time for a Merry Christmas Y’all Giveaway, from your Bama Bloggers!

Bama Bloggers

Jennifer, Melissa, Sarah, Yolanda (Ms. A!), and myself have teamed up to bring you a giveaway! 5 lucky winners will be able to choose an item from EACH of our TpT stores for FREE! 5 people will get 5 units! :)

All you have to do is follow all 5 of our blogs AND all 5 of our TpT stores! Leave ONE comment on THIS post telling us you follow all 5 blogs and TpT stores! Be sure to leave your email address in your comment! :)

Castles and Crayons {Kelli’s TpT Store}

First Grade Blue Skies {Jennifer’s TpT Store}

F is for First Grade {Melissa’s TpT Store}

First Grader…At Last! {Sarah’s TpT Store}

Oceans of First Grade Fun {Ms. Arnold’s TpT Store}


Merry Christmas from your Bama Bloggers! :)


1 YearntoLearn said...

Love the Venn. Thank you.


Yearn to Learn Blog

2 Rie said...

I follow all the TPT stores

3 Rie said...

I follow all your blogs !

4 Miss Squirrels said...

Hey Bama Bloggers, I follow all 5 blogs and all 5 TpT stores!

Going Nutty!


Angela said...

Thank you so much for sharing all of your fantastic ideas! I am now following all of the Bama Bloggers. Have a great weekend!

6 Miss Kindergarten said...

Love this and my 'Bama bloggers! I loyaly follow all y'all!!

7 Keys4Education said...

You ladies are wonderful and I LOVE all of your ideas!

I follow all of your blogs AND your stores! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

8 Laura said...

This Mississippi girl follows all my BAMA blogger neighbors and your TPT stores! Thanks so much for your generosity!

9 Laura said...

Oops! My email is

10 Ali said...

I follow all your blogs and TpT stores!!


11 Miss Atwell said...

I follow all 5 blogs and TPT stores! Thank you for being AMAZING!

12 Cupcake said...

Hey girls! I follow ALL five or your FABULOUS blogs and TpT stores!!

A Cupcake for the Teacher

13 Tanya said...

I follow all five blogs, and all five TpT stores.
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!

14 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow all 5 blogs and 5 TpT stores! This looks like a fabulous giveaway!

15 Julia said...

I love all of your blogs, follow them too! And your TPT stores! :)

16 Kim said...

I follow all 5 Bama blogs and TpT stores! Crossing my fingers...

17 Shelia said...

I'm following all 5 blogs & tpt stores! Great giveaway!

18 Sandra said...

Hoping I win!! I follow all of the blogs and TpT stores!

19 Heather said...

Crossing my fingers for a win...I'm following all of the blogs and TpT stores.

20 Gladys said...

I follow ALL blogs and TpT stores!


21 Delighted said...

I'm following all your TPT stores & all your blogs.

First Grade Delight

22 Kinderglynn said...

I follow all of your things. You all rock

23 ms.webber said...

I follow all of the blogs and stores. You ladies are the first five stores i follow on TpT (new to all of this). Excited!

Anonymous said...

I follow all of your blogs and TPT stores!

25 Unknown said...

I follow all of your blogs and stores!

26 Primary Junction said...

I just love all of your blogs! I follow your blogs and stores. Thank you for this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I follow all of your blogs and TPT stores. Love everything!

28 Down Under Teacher said...

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful ideas! I am now following all of the Bama Bloggers - blogs and TpT stores!


29 cewaye said...

I have a friend who just got her dream job of teaching first grade in her very own classroom. This is a second career for her and she is so very excited; I would love to gift her with these if I win! Subscribed to all on sites and on TPT. careywaye @ gmail. com

30 Mrs. S said...

I LOVE all of your blogs and am a follower of your TpT stores.


31 Cindy Del Valle said...

I follow all of your blogs and now follow all of your TPT stores! Thanks for sharing!

32 Cindy said...

I follow all five blogs AND you are all on my favorite sellers list at Tpt! :o)


33 Caroline Brantley said...

I follow all of your blogs and your tpt stores. Love them all! Thank you.

34 Diana said...

I follow all five blogs and TpT stores! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Melanie said...

I follow all 5 of your blogs and TpT stores. I love them!!

36 Literacy & Math Ideas said...

Thanks for sharing!

37 Unknown said...

I LOVE all the BAMA girls - I follow all their blogs and TpT stores! Love y'all!!! :)
Crayons and Curls

38 msdora162 said...

I follow all of your blogs and love your work. Thank you for the inspiration.


39 Mrs. McMurry said...

Thank you (all of you!) for sharing your wonderful ideas! This is my first year in first grade and you all have inspired me in so many ways!

40 Rachael Sterling said...

I follow all 5 blogs and TPT stores! Thanks for thinking of us this Christmas Season!

41 Lori Rosenberg said...

I follow all 5 blogs and all 5 TpT stores!


42 Charlotte said...

I follow all 5 blogs and all 5 TPT stores!

43 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

I am a faithful follower of all your blogs and TpT stores. I adore all of your blogs! :)

44 Alessia Albanese said...

I follow all 5 blogs and TpT stores! Thanks for offering this great giveaway!

Ѽ Alessia
Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

45 Martha said...

What a great giveaway ladies! You Bama girls rock!! I follow all 5 of your blogs(which I stalk) and you TpT stores too!

46 Angie said...

This is such a great giveaway! I follow all of your blogs and TPT stores!

47 Ketchen's Kindergarten said...

I follow all 5 of your fantastic blogs and all 5 TPT stores. Thanks for having such great giveaways!


Ketchen's Kindergarten

48 Jenn Bates said...

I already followed all your blogs but now I follow all your TpT stores. too! Thanks for the cute venn.
FInally in First

49 Jen R said...

I follow all of y'all!! You just introduced to me to F is for First grade - yay!

♥ Jen Ross
The Teachers' Cauldron

50 Ashlee said...

I follow all five ya'lls awesome blogs...and just learned about F is for First Grade because of the give away! I also follow all five TPT stores!!! Thanks for the inspiration! Makes me want another teaching job even more! I'm from Alabama too...always fun to find bloggers from Sweet Home Alabama!

51 Jennifer said...

Hey girls! I follow ALL five of your FABULOUS blogs and TpT stores!! This looks like a FANTASTIC giveaway!! I hope I win!!


52 Elisabeth said...

I follow all 5 blogs and just added you all to my TPT favorites. So much creativity from the south- love it!

53 Denise Winston said...

Following all 5 blogs and on TPT. Hope this is my Christmas present :D

winstonmanor (at) hotmail dot com

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