Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 2

On the second day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

a Gingerbread Measurement activity! :)


Please click on the picture above to download a copy for FREE! We are ALL about some gingerbread in our room! Stay tuned for a non holiday freebie tomorrow for Day 3!

*Please pass this on to a friend if you can’t use it in your classroom! The more, the merrier! :)* Please follow or leave a comment if you download!

Merry Christmas!


1 Sandra said...

We will be using this next week for sure! Thanks so much for the freebie!!!


Rebecca said...

Thank you-can't wait to add it to my GB stash!

3 Kristin said...

I've missed you, friend!!! I am so excited to see you two days in a row! Thanks for the freebie!!!!!! :) :) :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

4 Sara said...

I just found your cute blog and I love it! New follower!! Thanks for the fun December freebies!! :)

Kindergarten Is A Hoot

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mrs. B, for sharing! :) These are going to make gingerbread week next week so much more fun! Merry Christmas!

6 Delighted said...

Don't you just love gingerbread activities! Thank you for this one... it is now part of my collection. Love it!

First Grade Delight

7 teachforward said...

Thank you for this super cute activity! My students and I LOVED it! The cute gingerbread were a perfect extension of our Everyday Math Unit 4 lesson on non-standard measurement. Thank you!!!

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