Friday, December 9, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 5

On the fifth day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

some ornament and craft ideas! :)

I remember my first year of teaching…I was on the HUNT for some precious ornaments for the kiddos to make for their parents! While this is not a ‘freebie’ to ‘print’, I thought it would be fun to share some of the ornaments we made in our classroom this year, in case you are still looking for some ideas! And hey, it’s Friday! The hubs is waiting for me! HA!

This year, I was inspired by Pinterest! DUH! Can’t. get. enough. of. Pinterest.

I love a good handprint craft! Isn’t this the CUTEST????? Hands down, one of my favorite ornaments I have ever made! Easy and adorable…score!


Next up, we made salt dough ornaments! These were super easy…just 2 Tablespoons of flour, 1 Tablespoon of sugar, and 1 Tablespoon of water. Click HERE to check out the website!

salt dough

One more Pinterest inspired craft…which doubled as a measurement mini lesson/craftivity this week…this presh Christmas tree! Click HERE to go to Mrs. Karen’s Preschool Ideas. This pic is my example for my class. I got all of the paper from Hobby Lobby! I got 2 sheets of each paper and I have PLENTY left to make it again next year! :)


Stay tuned for a non holiday freebie for Day 6!

Be sure to enter the Bama Bloggers giveaway for a chance to win 5 TpT units {1 from each of our TpT stores!} We will announce the winners on Wednesday, December 14.

Click on the picture below for more information!

Bama Bloggers

Merry Christmas!


1 Lauren Morse said...

I make those same reindeer each year, but I haven't thought of adding a bow for the girls. I love the snowman. Did you make the nose from dough too-- then paint it?
The tree goes well with one of the Core standards-- ordering lengths.

2 g said...

Love your blog!

Question: What did you use to make the handprint in the CUTE it!


3 Kelli :) said...

Lauren ~ Yes, the nose is dough, too! The kiddos rolled the dough into a ball and tore off a little bit to make the nose. I attached the nose to the circle and made a hole at the top before baking! We are painting them this week!

g ~ I used light brown construction paper, brown washable paint (Mine is from Lakeshore), googly eyes, and red pom poms! Very easy and so cute! :)

4 Kacey said...

WE made the handprint reindeer too- so easy and they are PRECIOUS!!!

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