Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 9

On the ninth day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

a making words activity! :)

This printable uses the letters in the word gingerbread to make new words. I included a black and white printable for individual word work {they can cut out letters to use from the bottom of the printable}. I also added a color printable if you want to print a few copies, stick it in a page protector, and put it in a word work station or center.

I hope you are not getting tired of gingerbread activities…because I am slight bit obsessed!!!!  I read on some blogs that some of you can’t celebrate Christmas in your classroom…GASP! So sad! :( I hope it is a safe theme for those of you who celebrate all of the winter holidays! :) 

I am currently gazing at the gingerbread tree in the keeping room in our kitchen.  LOVE!!! {Excuse the iPhone quality pic! :)}

tree home

Please comment or follow if you download! If you can’t use this in your classroom, please forward to someone who can! The more, the merrier! :)

Don’t forget…the 20% off sale in my TpT store ends tonight…click HERE to check it out!

Merry Christmas!


1 Mrs. WF said...

Love this! Will be using it tomorrow. What font did you use for this?

2 Kelli :) said...

I used Smiley Monster and Ck Handprint! :)

3 Diana said...

Thank you for the making words! I love gingies too. Did you catch the gingerbread bump math game that some sweet pea put out there? My class loves it!
PS - What is a keeping room? I don't think my kitchen is big enough for a keeping room or a gingie tree for that matter!

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