Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 6

On the sixth day of Christmas, Castles and Crayons gave to me…

a Let’s Make a Prediction printable for FREE! :)

We are focusing on making predictions during reading comprehension this month! This printable can be used for almost any book! We kicked off our making predictions unit with a Laura Numeroff author study {LOVE the new If You Give a Dog a Donut} and have used several holiday books in the past few weeks. We will use this printable with gingerbread books this week!

Click {HERE} to download! Please comment or follow if you grab this! :)

Be sure to enter the Bama Bloggers giveaway for a chance to win 5 TpT units {1 from each of our TpT stores!} We will announce the winners on Wednesday, December 14.

Click on the picture below for more information!

Bama Bloggers


1 Tammy said...

Thank you! Looks too cute can hardly wait to put it to good use!

2 Jen R said...

Thank you for the freebie :)

♥ Jen Ross
The Teachers' Cauldron

Amanda said...

Hello! This looks adorable and I wanted to print it - when I click on it I go to a scribd site and even after creating an account I cannot print this or the list writing papers - any suggestions? Thanks!

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